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xsg5 for backup server, leopard or tiger?

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Hi, I want to migrate our existing backup server from a g4 desktop/pci to a g5 xserve. Which OS is best suited (i.e. least problematic) for use on the g5 xserve, 10.4 client or server, or 10.5 client or server (I have enough licenses of each, so that's not an issue)


Thanks in advance

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Mac OS 10.4.x non-server (i.e., what you call "client") and 10.5.x non-server (i.e., what you call "client") don't work on an Xserve because they don't control the fans. Also note that there are two versions of Mac OS 10.4.x server (PPC and Universal Binary). The Universal Binary version is VERY different from the PPC version, and was only released for the Intel Xserves, but can be installed on a PPC Xserve to fix some issues with 10.4.6 or so whereby AFP was crashing.


We have not yet migrated our Xserve G5 from 10.4.x to 10.5.x because of non-Retrospect issues with 10.5.x.



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Make sure you use an ATTO SCSI HBA if you are using SCSI drives. It's really the only one that works with Retrospect. The Apple Dual Channel SCSI Card (really, an Apple-rebranded LSI Logic 22320) that is sold as a build-to-order option with Xserves, is a piece of junk, never worked right until we replaced it with an ATTO UL4D. Our Xserve G5 has been very happy with Retrospect 6.x on Mac OS 10.4.x Server.



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