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(not discontinued) CD-RW device compatible ?

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I'm not clear as to what you are asking. The device compatibility list does not list every single drive on the market, however, it does list every Dantz qualified drive. If your drive does not show up on the list, it is not supported at this time. Not all drives are qualified. Some can take months to pass qualification, while others will never pass. We can't guarantee when or if we will ever qualify a drive.




We are continually adding support for new devices. Keep your eye on the device search engine.







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The device compatibility search engine lists all devices that are qualified to work with Dantz Retrospect Backup software.




Our search engine does _not_ list whether or not vendors have discontinued making a particular drive. With thousands of drives on the market, it would be impossible to maintain such a dynamic list. Dantz has making backup software for over 12 years -- there are definitely some qualified devices on the list that are no longer in production. However, there are many current devices on the list also.

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