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Can't access Backup error -120 (folder not found)

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Can't access Backup error -120 (folder not found)


PMG4 400/ 512MB 10.4.7-> backup to external LaCie (samsung)FW 400


Retro 6.1.126, rdu 611100


Tried many different config and still get this error . Any suggestions?

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Can't access Backup error -120 (folder not found)


It's not clear what you are doing to generate this message, or what the full error is.


Are you sure it's not something like having renamed your source or destination?


Are you trying to do an immediate backup, or is this a script?


Try creating a new backup source and destination for a new script.



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We have just replaced a troublesome tape drive with a Hard Drive via Firewire. All Storage Sets have been deleted we are starting fresh to avoid trouble.The message says:

"Can't access Back-up , error -120 (folder not found)"

Can you help? Thank You

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Changing the name would make certain that there isno cached scripts...?


No. Retrospect works off of the volume ID, and can still find things when the name changes. But reformatting will give a new volume ID.


I think you miss what I am suggesting. create a new backup script with a new source/destination.


It's unclear to me from your brief error message and abbreviated problem statement whether the error is occurring on the source or on the destination.


It's possible that you are choosing a drive that Retrospect thinks no longer exists.



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Russ, Thank You. I am on site now.


I have created new source (although I have only 1 machine w/3 volumes at the moment ) and erased , rename the hard drive name for the back up. No Change.


However it seems that I narrowed down the issue. It seems that the problem was we a subvolume of the unit being backed-up. That sub-volume is called "Backup". Removing it allowed for the backup to start . I will not know for a while if all works well but so it works.


In conclusion : it seems that "error -120" refers to ability to communicate to a source volume or sub-volume.


Thank you to all participants. I will only follow-up if there are more problems before the end of the backup

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Good troubleshooting.


Ok, then my suspicion is that the subvolume was defined at a time when the enclosing volume had a different volume ID, so Retrospect is still looking for the missing disk. I believe that if you forget the old subvolume that can't be found and redefine the subvolume now, everything will work.



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You are correct which is what I did,


This lead to another question: that sub-volume obviously has a proplem , should I just rename it or do I need to clone the content + reformat + rename + restore content in order to reinstate in the backup?


Is the cause of the problem its name ("Backup")

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The subvolume does not have a problem; Retrospect is confused as to where it is.

The filesystem structure is fine. Retrospect's database has the problem.


Forget the subvolume, redefine it. There is no need to reformat or rename.


Configure > Volumes,

Volumes menu, Forget,

Subvolume... > Define


The name is what caused me to be confused about the error message, but the name is not a problem except as to my confusion, but that often can't be helped. Wait until you get old, you will understand about senior moments.



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