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Move to Tiger_log errors

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Recently moved to Tiger, 10.4.10. Now getting "different creation date" errors in log, from machine running Retro, plus the other machine being backed up. Mainly pertaining to an Adobe Acrobat Pro plug-in, called 'Quite a Box of Tricks'. These list a whole bunch of files in the QaBoT folder. Odd that one plug-in shows errors on 2 machines. Maybe the plug-in needs a Tiger update. It's working OK, and doing what it's supposed to do. Couldn't pick up anything on a Retro Forum archive search. Don't like to just ignore a long list of errors like that.

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Sorry CallMeDave, been snowed under, [prepress].

Have pasted a typical grab of what most of the errors look like. These comprise about 90% of current errors. Am wondering if it's an odd incompatibiluty between The acrobat plug-in, Quite a Box of Tricks, and Tiger. It seems to be working OK, though. Appreciate any thoughts.


File “Install Quite Plug-ins”: different creation date/time (set: 27/1/2006 3:12:32 PM, vol: 1/1/1904 12:00:00 AM), path: “Macintosh HD/Greg's/Upgrades/quite a box170 Folder/Install Quite Plug-ins”.

File “Quite A Box Of Tricks”: different creation date/time (set: 27/1/2006 3:12:32 PM, vol: 27/1/2006 2:20:48 PM), path: “Macintosh HD/Greg's/Upgrades/quite a box170 Folder/Quite A Box Of Tricks”.

File “Quite A Box Of Tricks Guide”: different creation date/time (set: 27/1/2006 3:12:32 PM, vol: 27/1/2006 2:20:48 PM), path: “Macintosh HD/Greg's/Upgrades/quite a box170 Folder/Quite A Box Of Tricks Guide”.

File “Quite A Box Of Tricks OSX”: different creation date/time (set: 27/1/2006 3:12:32 PM, vol: 27/1/2006 2:20:48 PM), path: “Macintosh HD/Greg's/Upgrades/quite a box170 Folder/Quite A Box Of Tricks OSX”.

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(1) What type of file system is on "Macintosh HD" on the machine being backed up? (get info on the mounted volume, report what "Format:" it is)


(2) What type of file system is on the destination for the backup?


(3) What type of backup? (file, tape, DVD, disk, etc.?)


(3) Is this a "backup" or a "duplicate" (which is not the same as a backup) ?


(4) How is the "machine being backed up" being backed up? Specifically:

(a) Is the Retrospect Client running on that machine, communicating with Retrospect on the "machine running Retro"? If so, what version of Retrospect Client?

(B) or, is the volume being backed up being shared over the network and mounted by the "machine running Retro"?


(5) What version of Retrospect? What RDU?


(6) What is the delta between the clocks on the two machines? (Configure > Clients)



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Sorry guys, been a while...forgot to include all that relevant stuff when posting.


1] + 2] Both machines 10.4.10. OS Extended[Journalled]


3] Backup to 2 external FW drives. Incremental. Do a recycle backup when both nearly full. Backup, not duplicate.


4] b] "shared over network" and being mounted by machine doing backup.


5] Vers. 6.0.204


6] This one I'll need a pointer on...got into Configure>Clients OK,...by delta, do you mean "Clock Offset: +0:07" [?] If so, should I "sync clocks" [?]


Hope this helps...many thanks!

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4] b] "shared over network" and being mounted by machine doing backup.


and this is your problem, too. The client machine (the "machine being backed up") should be running the Retrospect client, and the backup should be done through the Retrospect client, not as a mounted drive.


And you still have never answered this question:



(5) What RDU?



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While backing up via AFP (assuming you've configured Retrospect to authenticate and mount the remote share) isn't as good as using the client software, it should work for simple data files. But the creation date compare errors are likely an artifact of file sharing, not a Retrospect defect.


To cure, you might try a recursive Touch of the QaBoT folder. This would set the creation/modification times to current, and might prevent this error from happening next time (although it's likely that all those files would be backed up again the next time).


Russ should be able to give correct terminal commands; I use a nifty contextual menu (FileUtilsCM.plugin) for this sort of thing.



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RDU...Retrospect Driver Update, right?


Right. The RDU version is printed in the Retrospect log every time that Retrospect launches. If you don't see an RDU version, then you aren't running an RDU. The RDU version can also be found under the Retrosepct menu in "About Rerospect"


The current RDU is always here:

Retrospect Mac updates


Older RDU versions are found here:

RDU version history



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  • 2 weeks later...

Humble apologies. I'll plead advancing years. The other G5 IS on Retrospect Client. Have updated both, versions/driver.

I guess what's odd/worrying is the after the 7/2/07 [2/7/07 Down Here], there are say, 20 or 30 errors as exampled in my pasted sample below. Note the dates, [years].


{File “6000.icns”: different creation date/time (set: 25/10/1904 11:32:20 PM, vol: 24/10/1904 4:52:20 AM), path: “Paul's HD/Applications/Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional/Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional.app/Contents/Plug-ins/Quite A Box Of Tricks.acroplugin/Contents/Resources/6000.icns”.}


In the past I have had a sparse scattering of these, maybe one or two occasionally, but with "proper" dates. After this date have had regular large numbers, both machines. Hope this isn't prolonging the thread unnecessarily. Is there a discernible/common cause for which I can take some action?


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{File “6000.icns”: different creation date/time (set: 25/10/1904 11:32:20 PM, vol: 24/10/1904 4:52:20 AM), path: “Paul's HD/Applications/Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional/Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional.app/Contents/Plug-ins/Quite A Box Of Tricks.acroplugin/Contents/Resources/6000.icns”.}


In the past I have had a sparse scattering of these, maybe one or two occasionally, but with "proper" dates. After this date have had regular large numbers, both machines. Hope this isn't prolonging the thread unnecessarily. Is there a discernible/common cause for which I can take some action?


In this particular case, the answer should be yes. 1904 is a special year, the "epoch" year (year 0), from whence all time is measured on the Mac OS. Looks to me like there was a clock failure or mis-set at the time this file was created/modified. If you have some program that can open and "save as" this file so that it gets a new creation date that is valid, that would cure it. Or, if you've got an old Mac OS 9 (Classic) or earlier machine (not Classic on OS X), you could transfer the file to that machine and use ResEdit to change the creation date to whatever you want, and then transfer it back.



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Thanks rhwalker. Suspect there may be dodgy battery on the client machine, [jan '04 install]. Shall back-track the erroring files., In this inst, mainly an Acrobat Pro PlugIn, Quite a Box of Tricks. [Who would market something with a name like that anyway?].

I've still got an unopened 9.2 disk at work. All I need is a $30 B&W G3 from ebay...

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