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Cannot move disk backup member


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I cannot tell Retrospect 7.5 (latest) where I moved a disk backup member!! What do I do?


I originally had a disk backup member at J:\Backups\Set\003. I moved it to a network folder: \\Server\Share\Set\003. Now I want to tell Retrospect of the new location.


If I go to Backup Sets > Set Properties > Members > 3-Set on J Properties, I get the following behavior:

-Just click OK: "Cannot use the specified backup data folder." OK button only.

-Change "Location for backup data folder:" to \\Server\Share\Set\003 (or 003\) by typing it in: "The location for backup data folder has to be on the selected volume." OK button only.

-Browse > Pick another folder on a local volume > The Member Properties page changes to "Volume [volume name] using folder "1-Set"!!! (Not 3-Set.) The Member Properties window still says "Member Properties for 3-Set" however. When I try to click OK, it says "Cannot use the specified backup data folder." OK button only.

-Browse > Advanced... > Please enter the UNC path for the volume or subvolume: \\Server\Share\Set\003 (or 003\) > OK > same as previous: "Volume Share using folder 1-Set" and when I click OK to confirm the location change, I receive the error "Cannot use the specified backup data folder." OK button only.


What is going on???

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I never got moving disk sets to different drives to work and I think it's a lot better to keep all the entire disk-based set on a single volume. I had run into problems where R gets confused and duplicates rdb files when it is split up and it's a pain if you have to rebuild a catalog.

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  • 2 years later...

This bug is still present in 7.6.

To avoid getting stuck with the error "Cannot use the specified backup data folder" you need to temporary rename the "3-Set" folder to "1-Set" and then click OK to confirm the location change once.

Then rename the folder back to the correct "3-Set" name and confirm the location change once again.


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