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also I have been here


and the page makes reference to a single incident service request that can be made on the website - but I can not find this pageon the website and I can't even find a search feature on the website to search for the single incident service request webpage.

Can someone help??


I am in Australia so don't really feel like calling the US if it can be avoided.


Very frustrated!

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There is a simple solution to the issue you are having but it will require some work once the fix is applied. When you get an assertion failure and the program won't launch or won't let you access the GUI you will need to remove the configuration file. This file stores your license code(s), your scripts and your backup client database. You will also need to re-import your catalog files.


The easiest way to remove your configuration is to rename or delete the Retrospect folder located in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data. If you have not been backing up your backup server's c: drive then will have to re-write your scripts and re-add any clients you had through Configure-> Clients.


If you have been backing up the c: drive of the backup machine itself you can run with a minimal installation of Retrospect (i.e. rename/delete the Retrospect in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data folder, put in your license code, go to File -> Open and select your catalog file) then restore the Retrospect folder from C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data.


Once the Retrospect folder is put back into the All Users\Application data directory the program will launch normally.


Two suggestions on how to avoid this work in the future:

  • Do a duplicate of the C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Retrospect folder to an external location or

  • If the error occurs and you have not tried to close and re-open the application more than once, you can try simply renaming the Config**.bak file to Config**.dat where ** is the version of Retrospect (e.g. 75 for version 7.5). These files are in the aforementioned Retrospect folder and are the actual configuration files.

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Thank you for your reply. This helps me once a fix to the problem is made and something I will do to save future work.


Though how do I fix the problem and stop the assertion error?


As an aside. I can Run retrospect for many days before I get the error and the system crashes. I can then reboot the system and it will run again for many days before I get the error. Obviously, I need to stop the error happening as I can not constantly watch the backup system and inevitably it will crash when I am not at work.

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When you get an assertion failure and the program won't launch or won't let you access the GUI you will need to remove the configuration file.



The configuration file almost never gets corrupted and if it did, Retrospect seems to behave and doesn't open it.



Though how do I fix the problem and stop the assertion error?



It's most likely due to a bug. frown.gif

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