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client causes blue screen crash

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We are running Retrospect 6.5 on our server backing up about 100 machines, both PCs and Macs. On 5 of the PCs the client will cause the workstation to crash with a blue screen as soon as the server accesses it. These are all fairly new Win XP systems (one is an older Win2K system). On some of the machines the crash will happen about 50% of the time; on others it happens every time. Each machine has all the Windows Updates in place, and is running Symantec AntiVirus CE. The backups normally take place at night when the user is logged off and the machine is not running any other application.


I have tried reinstalling the client multiple times on each machine with no success. We are using the V6.5.140 version of the client. The server is running Multiserver V6.5.382.


Another department at our location is running Multiserver 7.5. So as an experiment I uninstalled the client and installed the 7.5 client on one machine, and had it backed up by the V7.5 server. The same crash happened. This leads me to believe the client is not the culprit.


I suspect that Retrospect is depending on a particular DLL that has been changed on these machines, but have no way of finding out which ones to check.


Does anyone have any idea what might be causing these crashes? and how to fix it? I would prefer responses by email. Thanks.

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