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Backup set format inconsistency

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Using MultiServer v7.5.324 Update v7.5.9.102


We are unable to groom our backup set. Retrospect reports the following error:


+ Executing Grooming at 12/29/2006 3:57 PM (Execution unit 1)

Grooming Backup Set Daily...

Groomed zero KB from Backup Set Daily.

Grooming Backup Set Daily failed, error -1101 (file/directory not found)

You must recreate the Backup Set's Catalog File.

See the Retrospect User's Guide or online help for details on recreating Catalog Files.

12/29/2006 10:36:37 PM: Execution incomplete

Duration: 06:36:55 (00:00:28 idle/loading/preparing)


When I attempt to recreate the backup set, I get the following error:


+ Executing Recatalog at 1/2/2007 9:27 AM (Execution unit 1)

To Backup Set Daily...

TMemory: heap 28 441 K

virtual 4 15.0 M

commit 15.0 M

purgeable 0 zero K

Pool:pools, users 1 1

max allowed mem 614.0 M

max block size 8,192 K

total mem blocks 0 zero K

used mem blocks 0 zero K

file count, size 0 zero K

requested 32 14.7 M

purgeable 0 zero K

avail vm size 1,986,772,992 B

TMemory::mhalloc: VirtualAlloc(1.3 G, MEM_RESERVE) failed, error 8

TMemory: heap 29 442 K

virtual 4 15.0 M

commit 15.0 M

purgeable 0 zero K

Pool:pools, users 1 1

max allowed mem 614.0 M

max block size 8,192 K

total mem blocks 0 zero K

used mem blocks 0 zero K

file count, size 0 zero K

requested 33 14.7 M

purgeable 0 zero K

avail vm size 1,986,772,992 B

TMemory::mhalloc: VirtualAlloc(1.3 G, MEM_RESERVE) failed, error 8

Backup Set format inconsistency (6 at 498998600)

1/2/2007 11:59:31 AM: Execution incomplete

Completed: 608155 files, 205.5 GB

Performance: 1396.2 MB/minute

Duration: 02:31:24 (00:00:42 idle/loading/preparing)


Our backup set is a hard disk on the local computer. Can someone please give me some guidance and/or advice?


Thank you,


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Any idea how many total files there are in this backup set? How much memory is on the backup server? What you could try doing is going to the folder where the backup data is stored and temporarily moving out the later files to see if Retrospect can rebuild the first so many gigs worth of data. If it does complete, move some more RDB files back in and update the catalog. If would be wise to make a copy of the catalog file so that if it hits an RDB file that somehow corrupts the catalog, you don't have to completely start over.

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