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System State backup size


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I am currently trying out the Multi Server edt. v. 7.5.325 - hotfix


When doing a backup on a WinXP SP2 machice at the System State with Retrospect the backup file is around 77Mb. But when I do the same System State backup with NTBackup it is 430Mb.


I have check the backup set properties for the specific snapshot and system state settings is listet, but why the big difference on the backup file size?



Robert Vilhelmsen

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  • 2 weeks later...

It looks like Retrospect's definition of System State slightly differs from NTBackup's definition. I ran a System State backup with NTBackup and like you, the resulting file was a little over 400 megs. I restored these files to a new folder to see what was taking up so much space. NTBackup grabs a lot more files from the Windows folder (about 370 for me) including a lot of .exe and .dll files. Retrospect backs many of these files up as regular files rather than as part of the system state.

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