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Restore not working

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Retrospect 6.0.x on Mac X.3.9 -- restore function does not work on CD archives. The CD drive is working. Retrospect sees the drive. When I select a file or files and retrieve, the execution is reported as successful, but 0 files remain and 0 were completed, and nothing appears on the destination volume. Everything had worked fine until I tried to reconfigure the drive so that Retrospect would recognize DVDs (single layer). Now it not only won't write to DVDs, it won't do anything useful.


I've tried updating to 6.1, which didn't change anything. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling Retrospect--no change.



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Everything had worked fine until I tried to reconfigure the drive so that Retrospect would recognize DVDs (single layer). Now it not only won't write to DVDs, it won't do anything useful.


When you did this, you caused Retrospect to disregard it's default settings for your CD drive. Get rid of the bad .rdi file (or drag it to your desktop and try a backup).


You have not provided any versions of Retrospect 6.0 or Retrospect 6.1 that you have tried, or the version of the RDU (driver update) that you installed with Retrospect 6.1, or the CD drive details, or the type of media you are using in your CD drive, its manner of connection to your computer, or your hardware details. Provide those details. Current Retrospect version is 6.1.126, current RDU is They are free updates for owners of Retrospect 6.x. Get up to current software rev level, provide details. Until you do that we can't help.


And if, as you state in your post, you only have a CD drive, I can understand why it won't write to DVDs.



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Sorry, I was trying to keep it brief; here's more details.


Retrospect version 6.0.178


Internal SONY DVD RW DW-U10A connected by ATA-6 Bus on a

Power Mac G5;

OS 10.3.9

CPU Type: PowerPC 970 (2.2)

Number Of CPUs: 1

CPU Speed: 1.6 GHz

L2 Cache (per CPU): 512 KB

Memory: 768 MB

Bus Speed: 800 MHz

Boot ROM Version: 5.0.1f1


Media: CD-R


There is no ".rdi" file on the computer.


And as I stated, I tried updating to the current version, which did not change the results.

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There is no ".rdi" file on the computer.



This could not be true if your previous statement:


"...I tried to reconfigure the drive..." is also true.


When you create a custom configuration in Retrospect, a .rdi file is created in /Library/Preferences/Retrospect.


Instead of information from Apple System Profiler, it would be best for you to provide the information as provided by Retrospect from Configure->Devices->Device Status. Let us know the Vendor, Product, Version and Driver info.


Also, are these CD-R disks?

And did you create the CD's on this same drive?

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Thanks for the details. The supported devices database indicates that your device is supported as of Retrospect 5.1, so that's not the issue. Because you are running Mac OS 10.3.9, Retrospect 6.0 should work (but you are missing bug fixes, etc.).



There is no ".rdi" file on the computer.


Now that's surprising, because you indicated that you had tried to configure the drive, and that should have left such a file on your computer.


Would you please type the following command in Terminal and report the output (that's a "pipe" symbol before the fgrep, which is a shift backslash - just above the return key) (the sudo command will ask for your password):


sudo find / | fgrep .rdi



I've tried updating to 6.1, which didn't change anything. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling Retrospect--no change.


And as I stated, I tried updating to the current version, which did not change the results.


Is there a reason that you went back to Retrospect 6.0.178?


Could you please Quit Retrospect then relaunch and post the last few lines of the Retrospect log so we can see exactly what Retrospect version is getting launched and which, if any, RDU is getting used? You haven't answered the question about RDU yet, and that's the easiest way for us to tell. Here's the equivalent from my log:


Retrospect version 6.1.126

launched at 12/18/2006 10:33 PM

Retrospect Driver Update, version





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No result from the Terminal search.


Retrospect log ends with:


? Retrospect version 6.0.178

launched at 12/18/2006 8:55 PM

Quit at 12/18/2006 9:08 PM


Retrospect Configure>Devices>Device Status reports:

ATAPO-A:0:0 SONY DVD RW DW-U10A A43h Sony DVD RW (5.10)


The reason I went back to Retrospect 6.0.178 was simply because that is the version I have on disk to reinstall from.


Yes, CD-R disks.

Yes, created on this same drive.


Given that there was no .rdi file, I assumed that the reconfiguration had either not worked or I had done something wrong, so I just tried it again. This time, using a CD-R disc, the reconfigure seemed to work and created the "device01.rdi" file. But when I tried to add additional media types with a DVD-R I got the following message:

"Retrospect was unable to configure this drive with the inserted DVD-R media." After this the device status was reported as "incompatible." At this point, when I tried to do anything with Retrospect, it locked up and I had to terminate it through Force Quit. When I removed the .rdi file and restarted, Retrospect started and again everything looked normal, it saw the device, and when I tried to do a restore, I got the same results as before: nothing happened. Note that the log (see below) reports a successful execution, but it did not write the restored files to the desktop where they were supposed to go, or anywhere else on the computer.


Log from the above actions:


? Retrospect version 6.0.178

launched at 12/19/2006 3:07 PM


Running Custom Configuration tests on SONY DVD RW DW-U10A at 12/19/2006 3:13 PM

12/19/2006 3:13:14 PM: Setup test: Successful

12/19/2006 3:13:14 PM: Default setup test: Successful

12/19/2006 3:13:14 PM: Drive type test: Successful

12/19/2006 3:13:14 PM: Drive initialization test: Successful

12/19/2006 3:15:13 PM: Disc information test: Successful

Testing CD-R media type

12/19/2006 3:15:13 PM: Write method 1 tests start

12/19/2006 3:17:23 PM: Write method 1 test: Successful

12/19/2006 3:18:22 PM: Read test: Successful

12/19/2006 3:18:36 PM: Append test: Successful

12/19/2006 3:18:59 PM: Read test: Successful

12/19/2006 3:18:59 PM: Write method 1 tests final result: Successful

12/19/2006 3:18:59 PM: Write method 2 tests start

12/19/2006 3:20:06 PM: Write method 2 test: Successful

12/19/2006 3:20:58 PM: Read test: Successful

12/19/2006 3:21:09 PM: Append test: Successful

12/19/2006 3:21:40 PM: Read test: Successful

12/19/2006 3:21:40 PM: Write method 2 tests final result: Successful

CD-R media type is ready to be used with the drive

Testing DVD-R media type

12/19/2006 3:22:22 PM: Write method 1 tests start

12/19/2006 3:23:06 PM: Write method 1 tests final result: Failed

12/19/2006 3:23:06 PM: Write method 2 tests start

12/19/2006 3:24:27 PM: Write method 2 test: Failed

12/19/2006 3:24:27 PM: Write method 2 tests final result: Failed

12/19/2006 3:24:27 PM: Write method 2 tests final result: Failed

DVD-R media type is not ready to be used with the drive

- This drive has been successfully configured to use CD-R media.

- 12/19/2006 3:26:34 PM: Write method 2 will be used

- 12/19/2006 3:26:34 PM: Custom Configuration tests: Successful

Quit at 12/19/2006 3:27 PM



? Retrospect version 6.0.178

launched at 12/19/2006 3:29 PM


+ Executing Searching & Retrieval at 12/19/2006 3:30 PM

To volume Desktop on Macintosh HD…


- 12/19/2006 3:30:21 PM: Retrieving from STH Archive #066…

12/19/2006 3:30:22 PM: Execution completed successfully.



? Retrospect version 6.0.178

launched at 12/19/2006 3:38 PM


? Retrospect version 6.0.178

launched at 12/19/2006 3:40 PM


? Retrospect version 6.0.178

launched at 12/19/2006 3:46 PM

Quit at 12/19/2006 3:54 PM



? Retrospect version 6.0.178

launched at 12/19/2006 3:54 PM

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No result from the Terminal search.


Great! That means that we are not dealing with a .rdi file, anywhere.



Given that there was no .rdi file, I assumed that the reconfiguration had either not worked or I had done something wrong, so I just tried it again.


Oh, no! Now we aren't using the configurations in the driver. Unless you are having problems, you really shouldn't do the configure thing, because the Retrospect driver's pre-set settings are usually better for supported drives. The "configure" dance is really only for unsupported devices.



When I removed the .rdi file and restarted, Retrospect started and again everything looked normal, it saw the device


Great! Now we are back to ground zero.



Retrospect log ends with:


? Retrospect version 6.0.178

launched at 12/18/2006 8:55 PM

Quit at 12/18/2006 9:08 PM


Ok, what this tells us is that you don't have ANY Retrospect Driver Update ("RDU").



Retrospect Configure>Devices>Device Status reports:

ATAPO-A:0:0 SONY DVD RW DW-U10A A43h Sony DVD RW (5.10)


Yes, CD-R disks.

Yes, created on this same drive.


Ok, now we know we are dealing with a supported drive, using supported media. Encouraging.



when I tried to do a restore, I got the same results as before: nothing happened. Note that the log (see below) reports a successful execution, but it did not write the restored files to the desktop where they were supposed to go, or anywhere else on the computer.



It's starting to look like this might be a selector issue, in that no files are selected for restore.


(1) it might be easier to help you if it turns out to be a device issue if you updated to the current versions of Retrospect and RDU. The updates are here (get Retrospect 6.1 and the RDU):

Retrospect updates


(2) could you explain exactly how you are selecting files for restore? That might be the issue. There just might not be any files that meet the criteria for restore.



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  • 2 weeks later...



Thanx for taking the time to go through this for me.


I have installed the update again.


Your comment about a selector issue sparked the thought: "Did I try any other disks to see if the problem repeated?" D'oh! What a lunkhead. The restore worked on another disk. So I rebuilt the catalog for the disk that wasn't working... (I could have sworn that was one of the first things I tried...) Apparently that file got corrupted? Anyhoo, it's working fine now.


Although I still can't understand why I can't get the flippin' app to write to DVD-Rs. Any help there?


Thanx again,



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Although I still can't understand why I can't get the flippin' app to write to DVD-Rs. Any help there?


sorry, no. I've never done backup to CD or DVD of any type. We use tape with an autoloader; we have too much data on our network to do it any other way. Been using tape only since Retrospect 2.0.


Now that you've done the update, have you tried it with no .rdi file? That should work if you've got good media, because you've got a supported drive. Assuming that you also installed the current RDU when you did the update. Did you? It's not clear from your post.


Again, now that backup/restore is working and you are down to an optical media issue, it would be helpful to see the version info from your Retrospect log (Retrospect version, RDU version) and also confirmation that you have removed any .rdi file from /Library/Preferences/Retrospect


Then quit Retrospect, relaunch, try to backup to optical media, report results.



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Although I still can't understand why I can't get the flippin' app to write to DVD-Rs. Any help there?



DVD+R discs are better suited (than DVD-R) for the packet writing Retrospect uses. Or it may simply be the batch of discs you tried.

Oh. And please start a new thread with JUST this problem.

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