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RAID 0 Source Supported?


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This question seems too simple, but can someone tell me if Retrospect 7.5 supports backup of RAID 0 (2 drives)? The status indicator concerns me because it leads me to believe it's viewing the RAID Volume as two separate drives.


Status shows the following...


Immediate Backup Copying Local Disk (C:)...

Source Local Disk (C:), 1 of 2

Destination Backup A


Retrospect appears to behaving normally, it just bothers me that the source indicates disk 1 of 2.




1) Will I have a usable backup?

2) Can I expect to use disaster recovery to reimage the entire RAID volume? or will I need to reinstall the O/S, and then restore the backup.

3) If question 2 is true, should I use the duplicate command and not the backup command to simplify restoring the system.


Installing all of my applications and data is about a 6-8 hour process when done over the network and using installation CDs. I am hoping to be able to restore from an external SATA drive connected built into the motherboard.


I am running


WinXP Pro SP2 with all the latest updates

2 WD 500GB SATA 3.0GBs in a RAID 0 Configuration. Using 320GB of 1000GB capacity (backup source)

1 WD 500 GB SATA external driver (backup destination)


Any feedback or suggestions is welcome.

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1) Will I have a usable backup?

2) Can I expect to use disaster recovery to reimage the entire RAID volume? or will I need to reinstall the O/S, and then restore the backup.

3) If question 2 is true, should I use the duplicate command and not the backup command to simplify restoring the system.




I've used Retro with a RAID 0 system drive using the built in RAID drivers on a couple different motherboards. The backups created have always been complete backups. FWIW, haven't seen the Souce 1/2 notation. Any chance you've included the external drive also in your 'sources'?


For one of the motherboards, I was able to create a DR CD that would successfully install the necessary drivers so Retro would see the RAID 0 volume. For the other motherboard, I had to reinstall the OS, install Retro, then restore. This second option worked with no problems.


My First Law of Backup is all backups don't work until tested => you gotta test to confirm.



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