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Problems were detected during each of the last 7 backups


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After the backup each day, I receive the message "Problems were detected during each of the last 7 backups" and there is a hyperlink with the text "Click here to make changes ..."


When I click on the link the message disappears but the link doesn't open any other page or window or option.


The log reads:


27/11/2006 4:00:13 AM: Copying S3A2183D001 (C:)

27/11/2006 4:11:38 AM: Snapshot stored, 121.8 MB

27/11/2006 4:12:05 AM: Comparing S3A2183D001 (C:)

File "C:\Documents and Settings\John\My Documents\Golden Hole\Golden Hole\aerial2.jpg": didn't compare at offset 106 in stream ":Roxio EMC Stream:DATA"

File "C:\Documents and Settings\John\My Documents\My Pictures\2006_08_04\00090_RJ.JPG": didn't compare at offset 106 in stream ":Roxio EMC Stream:DATA"

File "C:\Documents and Settings\John\My Documents\My Pictures\2006_08_04\00155_RJ.JPG": didn't compare at offset 106 in stream ":Roxio EMC Stream:DATA"

File "C:\htdocs\ApresBeachBarComAu\tempoldfiles\apres_working_images\images_Sept06\John_photos\00090_RJ.JPG": didn't compare at offset 106 in stream ":Roxio EMC Stream:DATA"

File "C:\htdocs\ApresBeachBarComAu\tempoldfiles\apres_working_images\images_Sept06\John_photos\00155_RJ.JPG": didn't compare at offset 106 in stream ":Roxio EMC Stream:DATA"

File "C:\htdocs\ApresBeachBarComAu\tempoldfiles\galleries\gallery_images\00090_RJ.JPG": didn't compare at offset 106 in stream ":Roxio EMC Stream:DATA"

File "C:\htdocs\ApresBeachBarComAu\tempoldfiles\galleries\gallery_images\00155_RJ.JPG": didn't compare at offset 106 in stream ":Roxio EMC Stream:DATA"

File "C:\htdocs\ApresProblem\apres_working_images\images_Sept06\John_photos\00090_RJ.JPG": didn't compare at offset 106 in stream ":Roxio EMC Stream:DATA"

File "C:\htdocs\ApresProblem\apres_working_images\images_Sept06\John_photos\00155_RJ.JPG": didn't compare at offset 106 in stream ":Roxio EMC Stream:DATA"

File "C:\htdocs\ApresProblem\galleries\gallery_images\00090_RJ.JPG": didn't compare at offset 106 in stream ":Roxio EMC Stream:DATA"

File "C:\htdocs\ApresProblem\galleries\gallery_images\00155_RJ.JPG": didn't compare at offset 106 in stream ":Roxio EMC Stream:DATA"

27/11/2006 4:13:43 AM: 11 execution errors


Completed: 1040 files, 829.7 MB

Performance: 471.8 MB/minute (432.8 copy, 518.5 compare)

Duration: 00:13:30 (00:09:58 idle/loading/preparing)


Any thoughts on why the link doesn't open and why the errors occur?




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Ok, well, then I'm clueless. We see (innocuous) errors when backing up our server for things like log files, mail store databases, etc.


Seems odd that the miscompare is always at the same offset. You might check to see if there is some sort of a background indexing/cataloging operation going on for JPEGs. There are some programs that will attach tags to JPEGs to make them easy to find; you really might want to check if something gets fired up at 4 am to futz with your pictures.


I assume that you have checked modification times, etc., on the problematic files. Might be interesting to run a checksumming utility on the JPEG files before backup to be able to compare with the problematic files in the morning.



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Thanks Russ. I'll follow up on those suggestions.


The second half of that question was why clicking on "Click here to make changes ..." doesn't click through to anything.


Any thoughts on that one?


Nope, sorry. Our Retrospect server is an Xserve, and the Mac version doesn't have that feature. But it sounds like it doesn't autolaunch Explorer or whatever your browser is, if it's really a link. What happens if you right click on the link and copy it and paste into a browser? If that works, then it might just be an issue of the default browser being confused for launch.



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Which version of ExpressHD are you running? If you're running 1.1, make sure you have the 1.1.127 version installed: http://www.emcinsignia.com/supportupdates/updates/retroexpress/


I believe I've seen this error before. Apparently Roxio Easy Media Creator (EMC) wrote something extra to the alternate data streams of these files and ExpressHD is not handling it right. The files themselves should be fine and you can verify this by just restoring a few of these files.


A few suggestions for getting rid of the errors: try copying the files to a different location/drive. If you have a thumb drive (formatted as FAT32), try copying the files there and back. I believe the files will lose the alternate data streams that way. I've also read another post on the forums where a customer was able to get rid of it sending the files to themselves through email.


Short of that, you could try giving tech support a call to see if they're able to reproduce the issue with these files. I do think you'll be able to successfully recover your full system, including these files if you needed to.

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It seems that I'm running 1.0.196 see screenshot here: About Retrospect Express HD


I did however download and install 1.1.127 but it doesn't seem as though it has updated the original application. My currently installed programs show both Retrospect Express HD 1.0 and Retrospect Express HD 1.1


Set-up gave me the option of modifying or repairing and I chose modifying.



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