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File size problem with a NAS disk??????

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I use Retrospect to backup my iMac and MacBook Pro normally to a 500Gb drive attached to my iMac but I recently purchased a Western Digital NAS drive.


I know I can copy large file to the NAS drive as I have a Parallels 12Gb VM file I back up to it manually.


HOWEVER when I try to use Retrospect to back up to this deveice it says the file is greater than 2Gbs and cannot be copied!!!!!!!!


Anyone know what I am doing wrong?





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I'm going to assume (although I _hate_ to) that your Destination is a File Backup Set stored on the mounted volume.


- How are you mounting the remote volume? Note that Retrospect is designed (or better said, limited by its design) to support AFP mounted volumes.


- Can you successfully backup a Source _less_ then 2 Gig?

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Yes I am using a Files backup set, stored on the mounted drive.


I mounted the drive via the Finder and clicking on Networks my drive shows up, not convinced it is AFP though, I think it mounts as a shared PC as it asks for user name, group and password.


Yes I did a small 200Mb back up succesfully.


I appreciate the help as I would like to crack this if it is crackable.





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But I have done that already, although from a differnet computer.


Would I need to do this every time I reboot the computer?




How did you mount the drive on the other computer? SMB, AFP or NFS?

Make sure you mount the drive the same way in the Retrospect computer.

(You can see how the drive is mounted in the "Show Info" dialog in the Finder.)


No, just once to see if it's a file sharing problem or a Retrospect problem. (For the record: I'm convinced it's a file sharing problem).

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On my Restrospect backup machine I created a 2.5Gb disk image and copied this to my WD fileserver without any problems.


Just tried Retrospect again with the mount still in place and got yet another 'Execution Incomplete'.


Log file says "Can't add that much data to back up set.


The limit is 2.0G.


Retrospect is version 6.1.126.


And I KNOW it will make larger than 2G backups on its Firewire attached hard drive...........





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I mounted a SMB share from a Win 2000 Server on my Mac.

I downloaded a 4.19GB file to my Mac (Finder). OK.

Renamed it and uploaded (Finder). OK.


Created a file backup set on the share volume and backed up 5GB. (Retrospect) OK.

Backed up the 4.19GB and other files in the same folder (Retrospect). OK.

The file (backup set) on the server is now 11GB.


The most puzzling part on your behalf is the fact that Finder can upload a 2.5GB file, but Retrospect can't.

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HOWEVER when I try to use Retrospect to back up to this deveice it says the file is greater than 2Gbs and cannot be copied!!!!!!!!



Come to think of it, a file backup set consists of two files, the data file and a catalog file. What are the sizes of these two files? Maybe it's the catalog file that's becoming too large?

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I found this:


SMB Destination

Retrospect 6.1 with Driver Update and later has greatly improved the ability to write more then 2GB of data to a file backup set stored on SMB volumes and should be the minimum version when using SMB destinations.


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THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU..................


I was making hte huge mistake of assuming I was running the latest version, which of course I was but WITHOUT the driver update.


Downloaded installed and VOILA it is off making a backup.


Again my profuse thanks for all the help.



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I was making hte huge mistake of assuming I was running the latest version, which of course I was but WITHOUT the driver update.



It's why you will always see a request for each post that each poster state fully:


(1) complete version number of Retrospect

(2) complete version number of Retrospect Driver Update

(3) complete version number of Mac OS

(4) complete description of hardware being used.

(5) complete description of the steps you are doing

(6) complete description of the problem


Most problems can be easily resolved if that information is provided on the front end. It's not possible to speculate in the absence of facts.



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