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Can't see Retrospect folders after performing 'Transfer Backup Set'


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Please can someone offer some advice?


I use Retrospect 7.5.324 with Windows XP Service Pack 2.


I have just bought a new and larger external HD and performed a 'Transfer Backup Set'. After it was completed Retrospect performed a verify and pronounced the transfer successful.


However when I look at the destination disk using Windows Explorer I can see no files. I have the explorer setting set to show hidden files.


Even more confusing, if I look at the disk properties I see that the transfer used up a portion of the disk. What's more Retrospect can see this backup set and can restore from it.


So to sum up: the backup set is there and it can be used but I can't see it with Windows explorer.


Since these backups are important to me I am concerned about this.


Can anyone throw some light on this problem?



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Actually, I wasn't talking about password-protected files, but instead the user under which Retrospect did the transfer. Here's the usual response that is posted to the forums on that issue (not original with me):



Unless you have already configured Retrospect to run as a specified user, it will launch with the permissions of the 'local system' account which is fairly limited. You can set Retrospect to run as a particular account in Configure> Preferences> Security. Your user account should have admin rights and would be ideal. For 'log on to...' use your 'Full computer name' as found on the Computer Name tab of System Properties. This should resolve your permissions issues.


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Hmm. Privileges shouldn't cause you to not see a file - just what you can do with it.


To do a Transfer Backup Set you have to create a new backup set - to which you'll transfer. If you did that, you can use windows search to search for the name.


If you created a 'File' backup set, you could also search on the extension - .rbf.


I'm not familiar with Disk Backup Sets - however I do know they are visible in Windows - just don't remember if you can do a Transfer Backup Set or what the file extension.



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Thanks both,

I have to stress that windows can see this set and can work with it.....in my admin account. Retrospect can see it too so I can use the explorer that is part of retrospect and choose a file to restore, which happens successfully.


It's only me that can't see it via Widows Explorer. There must be a setting somewhere that deals with this.


Anyhow, I won't give up on this. 06:46am in the UK now so I have to go!


Will post back later.

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hi mel,


could the Backup Set have been accidentally placed in an 'invisible' folder, like for example, 'System Volume Information'? even an Admin would not have privileges to this folder. you could check the size of this (and any other invisible folders) to see if they are abnormally large.


if this were the case, i would recommend formatting the drive and redoing the backup in a different folder--just to avoid any future problems.



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Hello Waltr,

See the diaglogue image above. It says the backup data folder is in H:\Recycled\....


Why does it say that I wonder. Does that mean it is in an invisible folder?

When I made this Transfer, Retrospect created its own folders like this:


Yet they appear to be empty. I didn't specify a folder just the destination disk.



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Heres another question that might cloud the isue even more: both the source and destination disks had FAT32 filing systems. My newly repaired PC is NTFS. Is this likely to cause a problem do you think bearing in mind I was transferring from one FAT 32 to another FAT 32

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hi mel,


sounds like the Backup Set is in the Recycler or possibly some folder within the Recycler. if you can find it, you could probably move it out and do a quick recatalog, but it may be better in the long run to erase the drive and do the backup over. for some reason i can't see the image that you've posted but from your description that is the route i would take.



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Hi walt,


Yes well I can't see the recycler anyway. Don't know how the files got there. So.........deep breath.......I'm going to reformat, convert the disk to NTFS and then do the whole thing all over again. its a shame because the last time, it took 27 hours to transfer this 40 odd GB last time.


Oh well.....just for completeness I will report back when the dirty deed is done.....

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