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High Fragmentation on Disk Backup Set

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I have a RAID array with one logical volume, and all of my disk backup sets get backed up to that volume. The drive gets very heavily fragmented from grooming. It is usually around 47% fragmented. I have obviously defragmented the volume, however it is right back to roughly 50% fragmentation the next day. I would rather not defrag the volume everyday, because I cannot imagine that it is good for the drives. Has anyone else noticed this large amount of fragmentation on disk backup sets that get groomed? If so, what is your solution rather than defragging everyday? Thanks in advance,



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Well, fragmentation normally wouldn't be that big of a deal, but considering the drive is 50% fragmented every day, it is a problem. It is putting much more of a strain on the drives, and I believe it is the cause of the errors I am getting in Retrospect (could not create page file, error 80).

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