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Execusion Error (37,43...)

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I am backing up my entire HD (PC win xp retrospect 5.6) to a server on a Mac (retrospect 4.3).

I am using the immediate backup once a week. I keep on getting execution errors in the middle of the back up and in the end of it. error 37 and 43. one means "zero k" and the other means that the file is missing...?

is there a way to tell retrospect to ignore these errors? there are about 350 errors and there is no way I will check each file.


any ideas ?







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I am backing up my entire HD (PC win xp retrospect 5.6) to a server on a Mac (retrospect 4.3).



Can you clarify what you mean by this statement? That you're using Retrospect for the Macintosh with a PC client? That you're using Retrospect for Windows with a Macintosh client? That you're backing up to/from mounted/mapped volumes? Can you give us a clearer picture of your environment and exactly how your backup is configured?



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In onther words.


we have a PC and Mac network. one Mac has a DAT tape for backing up the entire studio using Retrospect 4.3 server.

My PC is running the client 5.6 version. I am not using a scheudle to back up the PC, instead I use the imidiate back up when ever I need too.

on the PC there are 2 HD. one is just a local back up HD which I back on the DAT.


that's it. most of the files are backed up but still I don't understand why there should be errors for zero K files or files that can not be found.



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