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restoring from backup set created inn 2003

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I'm currently running Retrospect server version 6.0.204 for Mac on MAC OSX 10.4. I have a copy of a backup set that was given to me to restore that was created in 2003. I don't know what version of retrospect server that was used to create it. There are 20,867 files with file names starting "0-data" "1-data" "2-data" going all the way to "20,866-data". I want to open the files in retrospect to look at the data contained in the backup set. I tried Tools-->Repair-->Repair File Backup Set and select the file "0-data" . When I do so the application responds with "The catalog portion of 0-data is damaged would you like to repair it?" Before I do that, and possible cause damage to the integrity of the backup set, does anyone know how to open the files that make up a backup set in Retrospect?



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hi t,


you REALLY should think about getting the FREE update to 6.1 if you are on 10.4. the 6.1 series is the ONLY version approved for use with 10.4.




next, you need to stop trying to rebuild your FTP Backup Set catalog as a File Backup Set. this will never work. take the '*-data' files and put them back on your FTP server, then tell Retrospect you want to rebuild from FTP and point to the server. you should have no problem once you try to do it the proper way. Reports on this forum indicate that data has been restored properly from backups created as far back as 4.3.



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Reports on this forum indicate that data has been restored properly from backups created as far back as 4.3.



I've been able to restore from DAT backups created in 1993 on our ASIP 4 server with Retrospect 2.1 using Retrospect 6.1. Had to drag out the old DAT drive to do it.



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Hi. thanks for the info. I'm in the process of recataloging the Internet Backup. It starts successfully, but after sometime into the backup I receive the message "Trouble readin: "Airto" (5475, error 226 (FTP backup set segment is missing)."


The status indicates "Completed 0 files zero K". The user I'm specifying to authenticate to the FTP server where the files reside owns the folder where the backup set is and also the backup set files. I notice that all of the files are 16 MB in size except the first 3 files : 0-data = 4KB, 1-data =1MB, 3-data = 4 MB. The rest of the files are 16 MB. There are no files missing in the naming sequence (yes...... i counted).


Has anyone seen this error before? I'm stumped.


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hi t,


did you check the permissions on the files? i can't really tell, but from your earlier description it seems that the files may have been moved at some point, and the permissions could be wrong. i have an Internet Backup on my local Mac that looks like this:


the containing folder has the name of the backup, and the following perms:

drwxr-x--- 7 user group 238 Jun 22 2005 name of the backup


where user and group are my username and group is actually admin in this case. here are the files:


-rw-r----- 1 user group 512 Mar 23 2005 0-data

-rw-r----- 1 user group 1048576 Mar 23 2005 1-data


etc. does yours look similar? hopefully the permissions are the same on all files, but you may need to give them a quick check.


you can use /bin/chmod to change all of the permissions at once if you need. not sure of your Bash knowlege so no disrespect.

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Thanks for the info. I check the permissions and they look correct. The files on on a serverA in a directory owned by, lets say, userA. There is no catalog so im using Rebuild Internet Backup Im using the credentials for userA to connect to the FTP server (a) where the files reside. The files are also owned by userA. Does this sound correct?



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hi t,


this does sound correct. i've got a test for you:


1) go to the 'Special' tab

2) hold down the 'Option' key on your keyboard and click 'Preferences'

3) click 'Internet', and check the box that says FTP logging

4) try to recatalog again


if we see logging that indicates a bad connection, you can try 'Reconnect for every read', however, that does take longer. this may give us more info on what's going wrong.



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