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Server stolen - Restore from tape = error 24201 - Chunk checksum didn't match

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A customer of mine just got his server stolen (machine running OSX 10.4.6 Server) and i'm currently attempting to recover their data from a backup.


Since their tapedrive is SCSI based i'm using a G3 running OSX 10.2.8, and an adaptec scsi card (29160).

Rebuilding the catalog from the tapes seems to work, however, when attempting to actually restore anything, i get the -24201 error (chunk checksum didn't match), i get this error immediatly, even before any tape access occurs, wich means i can not recover any data.


Does anyone know a workarround to this rather frustrating issue?


The retrospect version is 6.1.126, the tapedrive is a Lacie D2 DDS4 drive (Sony mechanism inside)

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Not sure whether this is any help on this particular issue, but how do you plan to restore the 10.4.6 metadata (e.g., ACLs) doing the restore running 10.2.8 ?


What RDU are you using? (I think that the current one for Retrospect 6.1.126 is


Is this the same tape drive that created the tapes?


Is there a reasonable amount of memory in the G3? could be lots of files on the tapes.


Suggest to your customer that they contact Apple - 10.4.6 server (and later) phones home when certain events occur (software update server, etc.) so that the serial number could be used to identify the IP of the stolen server, and if anyone takes it in for service, the Apple Store might catch it, too.

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The version of Retrospect is 6.1.126, I couldn't care less about losing the ACL's, since the server is gone i have to get access to the data to copy it to a new machine.


Unfortunatly, the only machine available to me with a suitable scsi connection is this old G3 (with 256MB ram) running 10.2.8, i might be able to squize 10.4 onto it, tho


It's the same drive.

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Rebuild just finished, problem persists, if anyone has any clue how to extract the data, please let me know.

The tape definatly has the data, during the rebuild procedure it actually lists filenames as it examines the tapes, but the bloody catalog keeps being bad frown.gif

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FWIW i'd try this card on another PCI slot, and maybe another machine. keep in mind that you will want to use 10.2.X with this card & of course check the driver.


where did the card come from? and how long ago did it see any use? is there any other device on the SCSI chain?


i've had problems with cards not being seated correctly, bad PCI slots, and just plain bad SCSI cards that i pulled out of an old file cabinet. with older hardware it's sometimes difficult to tell where the problem lies without a lot of testing.


try to isolate the problem if you can. if this restore is time critical i'd suggest giving EMC Technical Support a call. they may be able to do more with this kind of problem.

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hi amon,


make sure you've got the correct driver installed:



PowerDomain 29160 (Requires Mac OS X 10.2.2 with Adaptec driver 1.2 or later)



Walt, you were bitten by the )(&*@#$ frames in the KB when you copied your link. Glad to see that I'm not the only one it bites. The correct URL is:

KB article 5642


At some point, someone with free time ought to change the KB search page to eliminate the frames, or at least put the "Bookmark" link in big letters (or change the wording of that link to "Get a useful URL").



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when attempting to actually restore anything, i get the -24201 error (chunk checksum didn't match), i get this error immediatly, even before any tape access occurs



I'd be curious as to how the catalog behaves if you yank the host adapter out of the machine entirely. Do you get the same error, or does Retrospect complain about the lack of a device before that point.


If you get the checksum error without the card in the box it would imply that the catalog you have is bad. That would imply that the problem was with the rebuild, not with the restore. And while that knowledge isn't a solution in iteslf, it might help you from chasing any wild geese.

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Haven't tried ripping out the scsi card yet, but i did try opening the catalog on another mac without scsi-card, i received the identical error.


It seems that for some reason or another retrospect is generating currupt catalog files, as to why, i haven't got the faintest idea

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FWIW i'd try this card on another PCI slot, and maybe another machine. keep in mind that you will want to use 10.2.X with this card & of course check the driver.



I'll do that tomorrow, it's already past midnight now



where did the card come from? and how long ago did it see any use? is there any other device on the SCSI chain?



This card was already present in the G3 (this machine used to be the server way back), no other scsi devices present.



i've had problems with cards not being seated correctly, bad PCI slots, and just plain bad SCSI cards that i pulled out of an old file cabinet. with older hardware it's sometimes difficult to tell where the problem lies without a lot of testing.



I'll try that tomorrow



try to isolate the problem if you can. if this restore is time critical i'd suggest giving EMC Technical Support a call. they may be able to do more with this kind of problem.



Been thinking about that (the calling EMC thingie), will see what further tests give

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Well, i guess i have some good news, i managed to rebuild a catalog and read it's contents by using a G4 with OSX 10.4.7 & RetroSpect 6.1.126, restoring doesn't work just yet though, as the machine has the tendency to kernel panic on me.


Does anyone have any recommandations for a scsi card that works in a G4 under 10.4.7?

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ATTO. If you are going to do it on a G4, which, I believe, has PCI slots (not PCI-X or PCIe), you will need an ATTO UL3S (single channel Ultra 160 SCSI LVD) or UL3D (dual channel version). Both are discontinued products, but you might be able to find one used for a good price. Good Luck. Update the firmware.


Might be better to get a UL4S or UL4D (PCI-X) for the replacement G5 or UL5D for a replacement Mac Pro server.


Your comments about lack of success with catalog rebuilt on G3 leads me to wonder whether there is a software bug in Retrospect 6.1 when run on a G3. Never done that myself, only used it on our Xserve G5.



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I used a G4 running OSX 10.4.6 with the 29160 Adaptec card and the beta (1.3) drivers from adaptec.

It seems that the difference in OSes was the problem, and the 1.2 drivers aren't exactly "right" for 10.4, the beta ones actually seem very stable.

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I used a G4 running OSX 10.4.6 with the 29160 Adaptec card and the beta (1.3) drivers from adaptec.



.. (sound of Dave's head exploding) ..


While it's WONDERFUL that you were able to get your data back using an Adaptec host adapter under Tiger, please do _not_ rely on this combination for your future backup needs. It has shown itself in the field to be quite unreliable.



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I used a G4 running OSX 10.4.6 with the 29160 Adaptec card and the beta (1.3) drivers from adaptec.



.. (sound of Dave's head exploding) ..


While it's WONDERFUL that you were able to get your data back using an Adaptec host adapter under Tiger, please do _not_ rely on this combination for your future backup needs. It has shown itself in the field to be quite unreliable.





Heh, i know, but it was the only hardware i had available to me at the time, the new server will be using a FW based tape drive

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