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Native Intel Version????

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Is anyone getting as tired as me waiting for a native version of Retrospect for the Mac. Its been 7 months since the first Intel iMacs rolled out and still no native version. The real problem I see here is we have no disaster recovery, something totally essential for a safe backup. I've called the company more than once and they have no idea when they will have a native version - other than they're working on it. For a company so committed to sound backup (and an expensive product) they're missing just how essential disaster recovery is. The answer that it runs under Rosetta is nice - for say Word (maybe) but not certainly for Backup. Without disaster recovery a restore of the HD would be incredibly tedious.

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Its been 7 months since the first Intel iMacs rolled out and still no native version. The real problem I see here is we have no disaster recovery



Why not?


There's nothing about Retrospect running under Rosetta that prevents it from doing a complete backup of a MacTel machine and providing Restore options for disaster recovery plans.


A Universal Binary version would run faster, but native code doesn't effect the feature set...



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Yes - I was referring to the bootable CD as that is what Retrospect references. In terms of an external HD, I do have that. I can now boot off that as I do a complete backup using SuperDuper! which makes the Lacie USB drive bootable. But it wasn't before I got SuperDuper!. I only use Retrospect now to backup my Home Folder to a different partition - for differential backup purposes - say if I need a file a few days old.

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hi kerry,



Lacie USB drive bootable.



i'm just curious about this statement. my G5 (ppc) can only boot off Firewire drives. are the new Intel machines capable of booting off of a USB drive? if so, that is pretty cool. i may have to get one.


can anyone confirm that you can boot a Mac off of USB? i've just never seen that in the specs. my understanding is that OS 9 can boot off of USB, but that because of the way OS X resets the USB connection at startup you cannot boot from USB.


i would be very happy to be wrong about this.

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I guess not only am I concerned that there is not a disaster recovery CD but I'd worry, even if I booted from another drive, that a full HD restore would actually work properly. I know with SuperDuper! that it would as I can run off that backup on my Lacie HD. Even though Retrospect has been blessed under Rosetta, I know there are big differences when it comes to this level of functioning (it took the SuperDuper! fellow a while to get it right) so I'd be concerned that the backup would actually work.

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I'm trying to run Retrospect Express 6.0 with the 6.1 driver downloaded to the applications folder, but everytime I double click on the application, it fails to open. Mac OS 10.4.7, imac, with Maxtor one-touch. Any advice how to ge tthe program to launch successfully?

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