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Unable to restore files - Out of Memory error

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We have a G4 running Retrospect Server 6.1.126. We are trying to restore some files from a tape backed up and cataloged in 2004. Not sure what the version of Retrospect was then, as I wasn't the admin at the time. I assume it's version 4 or 5 but the catologs are older then 6.x. The backup is on a tape Drive that seems to be working correctly. We are running the latest RDU device driver of


From Retrospect we run Restore/Search For Files and Folders/ and search for a project by name.


The folder, and project items are found, I choose the destination on the local drive for the restored files, and click restore.


Before the restore starts it shows 187 files selected to be recovered taking 69 Megs of space. When the actual Restore starts it reads 0 of 3 files to be recovered. It then proceeds and recovers ony those 3 files rather then the 187 listed, and then states the operation completed succesfully.


The 3 files recovered are PDF's from a folder containing 10 PDFs none of the files from 6 other folders are recoverd. So I tried to run the restore again, and this time removed the folder with the 3 recovered PDF's from the selection. This time the recover immediately times out and simply gives an "Out of Memory" error. That is all it says, no number or any other info, just "Out of Memory"


One other thing I've noticed, this catalog is or a large archive that covers 4-6 tapes. And it isn't asking for the specific tape from the Backup. That is, if the Catalog is Archive, and we he 4 corresponding tapes, Archive_1 Archive_2 etc.... So if I start the recovery with Archive Tape 4 in the drive, it recovers those 3 PDFs. However, it never then asks for another tape. As well if I start the recovery with no tapes in the drive, it never asks for a tape, instead it simply says 0 of 0 items recoverd, operation complete.


Am I doing something wrong, or how do I get this old Catalog to work properly in Retrospect 6.1? And how do I get it to always prompt for a tape, rather then finding 0 of 0 files since no tape was in the drive?


On another side not, I tried to restore the files using another method. I choose the option to restore from a backup. I choose the catalog and snap shot I want to restore from, then choose the files from the list. For our one restore this worked great. Albeit I had to do the search method first to find where the files were, then cancel out, and do the restore from backup. All the files were then recovered.


I tried this thought with a second set of files to record, did the restore/search for files option. Found where they resided, in Jimmys_Archives. Then went into the restore from backup and choose the Jimmys_Archive snapshot. However, the project didn't show up in the list this way. It did via the restore/search option. But since we can't restore files with that methode I feel stuck between a rock and a hardplace.


Thanks in advance for any help of feedback,



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Ok, so while playing with the repair options, I noticed that this catalog lists 2 missing members.


Or that is tapes 1,2 and 5 show up OK but 3, and 4 are listed as missing. However I have those tapes, as well as a tape 6 which doesn't show up in the catalog.


I'm assuming this is the cause of my trauma. Is there a best way to fix this, and to restore those members, or should I rebuild the catalog from scratch from the tapes.



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Turns out that's all it was, those two members that were marked missing, tapes 3 and 4 just happened to be the 2 members who held the data we needed. No wonder it never asked for the tape, as it assumed it was missing, so never tried to recover any files from that tape. Too bad there error was so nonexplanatory, as seems it could have easily alerted me to the problem, rather then me having to dig around for a few days till I found it.


But at least it's working now.


Unfortunately since they were pre Retrospect 6 catalogs, they are marked as read only catalogs, so I couldn't set the member as found.


Luckily, I had backups of the catalog files, and they opened fine in Retrospect 5, where I found the members were all listed as available. So, I opened that backup in Retrospect 6.1, and they were all listed as found there too. So somewhere from the old catalog to the one I was using, it was corrupted, or got marked as missing, which is too bad. But at least it's all working now.


I made an extra backup of all my old catalogs and ziped it just in case something else gets corrupted in the future.



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Unfortunately since they were pre Retrospect 6 catalogs, they are marked as read only catalogs, so I couldn't set the member as found.


Luckily, I had backups of the catalog files, and they opened fine in Retrospect 5, where I found the members were all listed as available. So, I opened that backup in Retrospect 6.1, and they were all listed as found there too. So somewhere from the old catalog to the one I was using, it was corrupted, or got marked as missing, which is too bad



This is a pretty nasty design defect in 6.1. Dantz apparently didn't consider the possibility of needing to mark a member as Found in what is otherwise a read-only Backup Set. Others have reported the same problem; happily you were prepared with copies of your Catalog file(s).



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one question: did you see the, 'poof' icon on these files?


usually, if a file is on a set that's missing it has a, 'poof' icon (terrible name, see the manual).


i'd be interested in finding out if the, 'poof' shows up in pre 6.0/6.1 catalogs.

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