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External Hard Drives not Showing Up

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I am running Retrospect version 6.1.126 and for several months have successfully done nightly backups using two external firewire drives. I just added a third firewire drive to backup my wife’s iBook, and then went to Configure:Backup Sets and created “iBook Archive A” and pointed it to the new drive. I can see the new archive on the new drive from the finder and from the Configure:Volumes:Volume Database window. When I try to run a backup, Retrospect scans the iBook, and then gives me a window “Please select a new disk... it will be named “1-iBook Archive A”. etc. And in the same window is the message “No removable media found”, I can, from the same window, click on “Device Status” and the only drive that shows is my Mac’s built in DVD drive. None of the three external drives shows up. My scripts using the first two hard drives continue to run each night without a problem.


I am but a casual user, and hope that I have explained my problem clearly. How do I get the drives to show up so that I can back up the iBook?

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hi charles,


from your description it sounds like you are doing, 'File' backups to the first two external HD's and you forgot that so this time you are trying to set up a 'Disk' backup, but you have not checked the preference that allows you to do this (see below).


my best advice would be to do a 'File' backup the same as the others. i'd keep the backups the same for any number of reasons, but the best one would be consistency--so that you don't get mixed up when you are using one Backup Set VS another (it's especially good not to get mixed up during a Restore).


if you insist on doing a 'Disk' backup (from above), go to 'Special->Preferences->Media Handling' and check the box that says, 'Use hard drives as removable disks'. the disks will show up and you can write to them at will.


CAVEAT: doing a 'Disk' backup will overwrite whatever is already on the disk. be careful with this option should you choose to use it!

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Thank you for your response, that indeed was the issue. As I mentioned, I am a casual user and just did not notice that I selected the wrong kind of backup.


Now with that issue taken care of, I tried to backup only to get another error, "Not enough space for selected files". At least it sees the destination, a "subvolume" on my new hard drive, but it is a 250gb drive and the backup is only 33gb. I need to research that now.



Thanks Again!!!

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hi charles,


do a 'Get Info' on that drive and check the format. a lot of drives will ship with FAT32 filesystems, which has a filesize limitation. if this is the case, pull any data you have on there off and reformat as HFS+. you can place any data back on there and set up a File backup that will work fine.

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Just a comment to note that Retrospect on the Macintosh does not have a "Disk" type of Backup Set; that's a feature on the Windows side.


A "Removable" type Backup Set is similar, but doesn't have all the abilities that a Disk type has.


Hopefully future versions of Retrospect will provide all the same functionality to all supported platforms.

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I checked the drive using "Disk Utility", it was formatted with a "Mac OS Extended (Journaled)" file system. Under IO Content it reads "Apple_HFS". Just to be sure, I reformatted the drive and tried another backup with the same out of space error being the result. I will keep fussing, I am sure that like my first error there is some switch that I have in the wrong position.


Thanks Again!!!

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hi charles,


and this is a 'File' backup set? or did you choose 'Removable Disk' (nods to dave) backup?


if you can give a 'step by step' on what you are doing (no detail is too minor, since i can't see what you are doing) i'll try to reproduce the problem here. do it like this:


1) open Retrospect

2) click Backup

3) etc...

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I've been away from the computer for the last few hours and have but a minute right now. I suspect that somehow I have told Retrospect that the "destination drive" for the backup is the "source drive", is that possible? I will be back a little later and check for that, and if that doesn't bear any fruit I will give you my step by step procedure.


Thanks, you have been a real help and I appreciate it.

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Got it all figured out, all it took was reading the manual. In reference to saving the backup set, the manual says "With a file backup set, the file you save here serves as both the catalog and the repository of backed-up files. Save it on your designated backup drive." I was saving it on the drive that Retrospect was running from rather then the destination drive. Boy is my thirteen year old going to be disappointed when he finds out that I actually read the manual.


Thanks again for all of your help!!!

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