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Mac Retrospect 6.1 Backup Server fails to see Client:Error -519

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1. My Backup server and Retropect has trouble seeing a Windows XP Client with the above error-519 even after forgetting from the Database, reinstalling the client, logging it in again, and many other steps of frustration. I had previously had a working backup and then someone installed Norton Anti-Virus which did firewall changes and screwed thing up royally. I think that is when problem began.


Now Norton is uninstalled, I have AVG in its place which has no Firewall component, instead using original Windows Firewall. However, even with the firewall turned completely off I get this error. I have used Port Scan on the Mac to see that the client's port #497 is open and can log in the client. I can see and configure the Volumes on the Client. Yet when doing an actual (trial) backup, it fails. The error even once came up on screen and the backup proceeded. There was no log entry of this phenomenon.


2. The client's wireless connection being on interferes with the LAN connection. Is there a way to control the wireless port's ability to see Retro so it can be left on but not seen by Retro backup?


Here's the log:

7/1/2006 6:22 AM: Backup Server stopped


+ Normal backup using Temporary at 7/1/2006 6:22 AM

To backup set Weekly Backup 2…

Can't access volume DRIVE C (C:) on empress, error 519 (network communication failed).

7/1/2006 6:22:56 AM: Execution incomplete.


+ 7/1/2006 6:23 AM: Backup Server started


- 7/1/2006 6:27 AM: Backup Server stopped


+ Normal backup using Temporary at 7/1/2006 6:27 AM

To backup set Weekly Backup 2…

Can't access volume DRIVE C (C:) on empress, error -1028 (client is not visible on network).

7/1/2006 6:27:17 AM: Execution incomplete.


+ 7/1/2006 6:27 AM: Backup Server started


- 7/1/2006 6:27 AM: Backup Server stopped

* empress: forgotten from backup client database

Activator code R-SZL7-RCZU-9XAB-4 is used for multiple clients:

empress at

empress at

Quit at 7/1/2006 6:31 AM



∆ Retrospect version 6.1.126

launched at 7/1/2006 6:31 AM

+ Retrospect Driver Update, version

* empress: logged into backup client database


+ Normal backup using Temporary at 7/1/2006 6:41 AM

To backup set Weekly Backup 2…


- 7/1/2006 6:41:03 AM: Copying DRIVE C (C:) on empress…

7/1/2006 6:41:03 AM: Connected to empress

7/1/2006 6:41:03 AM: Execution stopped by operator.

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Issue #2 is a Windows Client issue, and should be posted in one of the appropriate Forum sections for that OS. You should include relevent information in your post, including the version of the Client software and at least a cursory description of the hardware involved.


Issue #1 is also likely a Windows Client issue, given that it broke when changes were made to the client machine configuration, but in the chance that it's some interaction between the Macintosh application and the Client, you should provide, at the very least, the version of the Client software being used, and perhaps humor us with other information such as what other machines are successfully accessed by this same application setup.


You might also want to avoid posting your client license number on a world wide web page; such information tends to spread that way...



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Client 7.1.107, MacOS Backup (using Retro Backup Server) Backup 6.1.126, which works OK with a Mac (MBP 2.0GHz ) Laptop. It's Client is 6.1.130.


FWIW the Server side... G5 Dual 2.0GHz, FW Drive

Client that fails... Win XP Pro Compaq with latest XP service Pack & updates.

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I use a mac server to back up a lot of windows and mac client computers. I see a lot of the 519/1028's with laptops. If they fall asleep, it will sometimes stop. A suggestion of mine would be to have the client next to the server, (or use apple remore desktop or something to keep an eye on both) my guess is the PC is doing something when the errors pop up.

Personally I would also do some regeistry searches for old norton stuff. installing, and then uninstalling doesn't always remove everything. Finally, I would be doing a face to face with the person who installed norton. This stuff isn't easy as is, rogue 'helpers' make things worse.

Hope it helps, Shon

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