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I am trying to get a file off of our backup. It gets to retrieiving and just hangs there.

I just spent $350 upgrading to 6 and it still is doing it. I have tried everything and I dont know what else to do. Retrospect is crap and I have had nothing but trouble with this program, but I have not choice but to use it.

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I apologize for my frustration on this. I am in desperate need to get the files on our archives. And after spending that much money, I expected to fix all the problems I have had with Retrospect. I am not getting any type of error message or code, it just hangs there. I have tried different volumes, I have tried different backup sets, it all has the same response.

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How about some more information on your setup, including OS version, hardware (including amount of RAM), what kind of backup set, how big is the backup set, what kind of restore you're attempting, etc.


Also, are you sure that Retrospect is actually hanging? (Go to Activity Monitor to confirm.)


If you've had a lot of issues with Retrospect, you may have some problems with your hardware or perhaps the Retro.config file.

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I just spent $350 upgrading to 6 and it still is doing it. I have tried everything and I dont know what else to do.



Besides describing your current setup (as Twickland suggests) you should describe your previous configuration. Also include "everything" you tried already.



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hi mal,



I just spent $350 upgrading to 6 and it still is doing it. I have tried everything and I dont know what else to do.



do you know you have 30 days of tech support included in that price? of course they'll want to know the answers to the above questions too.....

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