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Re: Recent Retrospect client update

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Not only have Dantz/EMC failed to issue a release note for the recent Retrospect 6.1.130 client update but they have also failed to issue a Client Updater file (.rcu).


Could Dantz/EMC address both these issues with urgency.



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Well, my need is not as urgent, but I would like release notes and a .rcu file so I don't have to go around to all the clients and manually install.


A couple of related suggestions on the same topic:


I note that clients were also released today for Macintosh Classic (Client 5.1.180), for Windows (client 7.0.112), and Linux (client 7.0.110). There also seem to be additional Windows and Solaris/Linux clients that were recently released (e.g., 7.5.112, 7.5.116, etc.). ".rcu" updaters would be appreciated for those as well so that they can be pushed out from Retrospect (Workgroup), and some guidance as to which version(s) should be used for clients being backed up from Retrospect Workgroup on Macintosh (6.1.126 with RDU Release notes would be helpful.


Confused on this end, simply looking for guidance,


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Thanks for updating the .dmg file for the Retrospect Mac OS X client 6.1.130 to include the .rcu file as well as the standalone updater.


Is a .rcu file for the Macintosh Classic client (5.1.180) soon to be forthcoming?


Are release notes too much to hope for?


Thanks in advance,



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Looks like the missing release notes are caused by an incorrect link for the Mac OS X client on the updates page Retrospect Updates - The links for the Mac Classic Client, the Linux client, and the Windows client correctly point to the release notes for the 2006-05-04 clients, but the Mac OS X client's link points to the release notes for Retrospect 6.1. One of the forum moderators ought to notify the proper person at EMC/Dantz/Insignia/whatever.


An RCU file for the Mac Classic Client (or instructions on how to create an RCU file from the standalone Classic client updater) would still be nice for those of us who have to push out some Classic client updates.





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Sorry, the original package for the 6.1 client did leave out the .rcu file. It has since been updated.




The decision to leave the .rcu out of the classic client was because of some issues encountered when updating it and the engineering effort required to fix these issues. How many clients are you trying to update? If you have enough clients where manually installing the client would be unreasonable, I can see if they'll reconsider releasing a .rcu file. Thanks.

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An RCU file for the Mac Classic Client (or instructions on how to create an RCU file from the standalone Classic client updater) would still be nice for those of us who have to push out some Classic client updates.


I'll second that request. I just wasted time searching the Knowledgebase for a Classic 5.1.180 RCU.


Unless the RCU appears soon, it appears I'll be visiting Classic Macs and running the standalone installer, a reminder of the old days. Sigh.


-- Ward

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The decision to leave the .rcu out of the classic client was because of some issues encountered when updating it and the engineering effort required to fix these issues



Is the new classic Client control panel actually different from previous versions?


I know that past "updates" to the classic client were actually limited only to a new version number, with _no_ changes to the actual Retrospect code.


I'd be pretty amazed to hear that the old classic code has been changed/updated at this late date.



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Dave, the release notes indicate that some sort of a buffer overflow vulnerabiltiy was fixed:

Release notes for Classic Client 5.1.180

so probably some sort of sanity checking was added on packet reads. To exploit this, it would seem that access to your local network is needed, so it's not a great risk except at schools, etc.


My bigger concern is that the updated client no longer displays its version (only shows "5.1", not "5.1.180", or "5.1.157" before update), both on the Retrospect control panel on the client and on the "Configure > Clients", Configure tab, on the Retrospect server. Going to be hard to tell what version is floating around....



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