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Retrospect will not launch automatically

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I've looked for support on this topic and implemented everything suggested (or so I think) including trashing the preferences, making sure autorun is running and making sure I'm running the most updated version.


Anyone have any other suggestions? I'm running the most current OS (10.4.6?) w/ the most recent Retrospect update in a G4 Powermac.


This problem has existed since I was running OS 10.3.x but it's finally begun to drive me nuts.

Once I run the program, it automatically begins to backup at that time.


Suggestions are appreciated.





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I'm at work and will post my exact setup tonight when I get home.




I am running Retrospect Backup (not server) on a G4 Powermac running OS 10.4.6 (or whatever the most recent update is). Retrospect has been updated to the most recent version 6.1.whatever and so have the clients (an iMac and a Powerbook). The Powermac (my server computer) is scheduled to turn on and off daily. Thus it is powered on from 5pm to 10pm nightly.




My script in Retrospect is scheduled to backup every Sunday at 6pm. This last sunday, the computer was running at 5pm, and at 6:15 Retrospect was NOT running. Retrorun was showing as running though. I had previously deleted the preferences as suggested in previous threads, and the retrorun file as well.




When I launch Retrospect, it immediately begins to run the script and then backs up as it should.




In Retrospect prefs, it is selected to launch when it's time to run a script (I checked that last night). This is what it is NOT doing.




I do have preferences for it to look ahead, but cannot remember how much in advance. Is there a recommended length of time for this?




The preferences are for it to quit after the script has run, and it does do this once I launch Retrospect manually.




If specific information is needed from anyone, please let me know exactly what you need me to lookup and post.









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I have had this same issue, just seems like the OS loses it's link to the Retrorun process.


My workaround has been to install "Cronix" which is a simple but effective cron job editor for Mac OS X. After installing it, I set a cron job to start Retrospect about 5 minutes each day before the first backup. That way Retrospect is already running and will just start the scheduled backups.


Been working great for over 2 years now.


You could also just create the cron jobs manually if you know/like Unix better. smile.gif

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just seems like the OS loses it's link to the Retrorun process



Except that's not how unix processes work.


The problem isn't that retrorun _can't_ launch Retrospect; the problem is that retrorun _doesn't_ launch Retrospect.


retrorun polls the contents of retrorunfile; when the system time is equal to the start time of the next script (as stored in retrorunfile), retrorun will fire up the program.


But if retrorun file doesn't contain an accurate notation of the script time, retrorun just keeps polling away without ever seeing the conditions necessary to launch Retrospect.


Robert's report is too vague and inaccurate (there is no "Retrospect Backup" product level (Desktop, Workgroup and Server are the correct names), "6.1.whatever" does not adequately describe a software version, etc) to know for certain what steps are being taken. The problem is not with the Retrospect Config file (although it doesn't hurt to test with fresh prefs), the problem is with /Library/Preferences/retrorun



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I guess it's Desktop. Since I've descibed that I'm running it on my home computers. It's the one where you can backup 2 other computers besides the one it's running on.


What other information do you specifically need so as to clarify my "vague" request. I mentioned the computers, the OS, the version product (most recent, and now Desktop). I've mentioned trashing the preferences and verifying retrorun is running. What else do you need to know to be fully informed?


And since I've deleted the retrorun file in Preferences and the problem still persists, do you have other suggestions besides Stoffelc's suggestion to set up a cron job to launch Retrospect just prior to the scheduled backup?





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hi r,



What other information do you specifically need so as to clarify my "vague" request.



the problem is that everyone on the board comes on and says, "i've got the latest", and then when people start troubleshooting it is discovered that, "an upgrade fixed the problem". so don't expect people to take you seriously when you don't provide the exact version. it's really easy to find, go to the product 'drop down' menu and read it, or you can find it in the Retrospect Log. this is not an unreasonable request.



the version product (most recent, and now Desktop).



that's really useless.



do you have other suggestions besides Stoffelc's suggestion to set up a cron job to launch Retrospect just prior to the scheduled backup?



i think dave does. he's pretty smart.

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And since I've deleted the retrorun file in Preferences and the problem still persists



It's really a question of how methodical you've been. Without providing specific, descriptive steps to reproduce your experience, Forum readers have to consider the possibility that the this is user error.


For example:


- Trash /Library/Preferences/Retrospect/retrorun

- Launch Retrospect

- Visit Automate->Scripts->New

- Delete any existing scripts (or, if your existing scripts are complex and important, first move your configuration file to a safe location and allow Retrospect to create default settings on the first run)

- Create a script and schedule it to run a few minutes in the future

- Click on "Check" and have Retrospect confirm that your script is ready.

- Quit Retrospect

- Launch Activity Monitor and confirm that retrorun is alive

- Confirm that retrorun is running as root

- Watch the clock and see if the program launches


You suggest that you've had an issue with this for a long time; perhaps there is something at a lower level that was introduced many system updates ago. If you have an external HD that you can boot from, try installing a fresh version of OS X to test how it _should_ work.

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