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Catalog permission problem on remote volume

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I need help with a permissions problem.


We have a separate Mac OS X machine for Retrospect 6, but, our catalogs are on the xServe (Mac OS X Server 10.4).


The Retrospect machine has full read/write permission to the share point and all sub folders where the catalogs are stored.


The problem is, when I try to restore from the catalog, Retrospect reports that it cannot find the catalog and asks me to locate it, which I do, but it will not continue to the next screen. When I click OK it asks for the catalog again.


I have noticed that if I change the permissions of the share point to "Everyone: Read/Write" it works as it should.


I have even tried setting the share point and folders to be owned by the Retrospect User, but, unless Everyone is set to read/write it will not get access to the catalog file.


What is going on here?


Thanks for any help.



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This is all outlined in the ReadMe that came with Retrospect.


Retrospect always runs as the root user (UID=0). This is so that it has access to all files on the host machine.


When you use AFP (Apple Filesharing Protocol) to mount the remote XServe, you so so from the Finder, as a regular user. That regular user's UID is something other then 0 (often it's 501 for the first created user).


Mac OS X is not willing to let a process running as one UID have access to a mounted volume that has been authenticated by another, so Retrospect cannot access the volume.


The answer, as outlined in the User Guide, is two step:


- Log into the Finder as Root, and create the catalog file on the remote volume. If the catalog already exists, forget it from the Backup Sets window and use the "more" button to re-add it to the list.


- Log back into the Finder as a user, and configure Retrospect with the volume name and password from the Volumes menu.


Make sure that the voume is _not_ mounted by any Finder user before any automated backups run; Retrospect, when properly configured, will mount the volume when it's needed and unmount it when it's done.

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