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Startup problems after upgrading to OSX 10. tiger

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I keep getting an error message the the permissions are set incorrectly in /library/startupitems. Specifically retrorun. If I choose "fix" the OS is happy for one restart and then gives me the error again. Yet retrospect starts anyways.

I've run the repair permissions in the disk utility, and removed Retrospect from the login items, and run the most recent update from the website.

Am I looking at a reinstall here. I don't want to lose all my settings.


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I've run the repair permissions in the disk utility, and removed Retrospect from the login items, and run the most recent update from the website.

Am I looking at a reinstall here. I don't want to lose all my settings.



Repair permissions will have no effect; it works only on Apple software and third party products that leave behind a BOM (bill of materials) file; Retrospect does not.


Login Items is different then Startup Items; the former is an actual directory, the latter is a preference setting for users. BTW, there is no reason to have the Retrospect application in a user's login items list, unless its for convenience.


Running the update won't do anything if you already have the same version installed.


A reinstall does not loos all your settings, unless you specifically tell the uninstaller to delete your preferences.


Do the following:


- Make a BACK UP COPY of your Retro.config file; it's a valuable data file, and you should have copies of it just as with any valuable data.


- Run the Retrospect installer; selelct "uninstall" from the pop up menu.


- Click Uninstall, and read the dialog boxe(s) that follow. When you see the one about keeping/deleting your preferences, select the appropriate choice to keep your preferences.


- Look inside /Library/ and see if /Library/Startup/ items is still there, and if there are any other items in it. If Retrospect was the only item, and the folder is now empty, go ahead and delete it. If you have other programs that use it (LittleSnitch, VersionQueue, etc etc etc) then leave it alone for now.


- Re-install Retrospect, and see if the OS warning message goes away.

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Thanks for the advice but no luck. I tried the uninstall-reinstall but got the error right away. I seems that retrospect sets the permissions incorrectly. Same thing if I click fix it's OK for one restart. Even if I delete retrorun out of the startupitems folder retrospect starts anyways (I'm not sure from where), and replaces retrorun along with the wrong permisssions.


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I tried the uninstall-reinstall but got the error right away



You're going to have to be more specific about what you are doing, each step of the way.


- After you ran the uninstall, did you look to see if /Library/StartupItems/ was present?


- What is the exact message that OS X is presenting you with?


- What are the current permissions on your drive for these items?






All should be:

rwxr-xr-x root wheel


Retrospect will create /Library/StartupItems/Retrospect/retrorun if it is not present (only if Retrospect's prefernces are set to enable auto-launch). And it will create everything with the permissions noted above.


In fact, if the permissions for /Library/StartupItems/ are wrong (from perhaps some other installer having originally created it), running Retrospect will actually correct them. This is new behavior from last time I messed around with this, around version 5.1 or so.


Knowing more about what you're seeing might help to explain why you're getting the error message.



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I did the uninstall again and removed the preferences this time. I discovered I also had ver 6.0 still installed so removed that as well. Restarted and ran the repair permissions for good luck. Then reinstalled 6.1 and started it up but quit before entering our license code and then copied my retroconfig file (thanks a million for the heads up on that) back into the retrospect prefs folder. I still have all my settings and the OS is happy.

Many Thanks

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