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Incorrect disk full message on backup attempt

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I have Mac OS X 10.4.5 installed on my iMac and Retrospect 6.1.126. I have been using a Simple Drive hard drive with 153.25 GB of memory. I didn't have any trouble backing up to this drive until I installed the latest OS X version. Retrospect incorrectly reports Disk Full when doing a backup.


Dantz is investigating an issue which can cause Retrospect to incorrectly report the current backup hard disk is full and then requests a new member to continue the backup.

Now I can't back up because the Retrospect program keeps telling me that there isn't enough space on the Simple Drive and I need to choose a second disk for the rest of the backup. I even tried erasing everything on the Simple Drive and backing up, but I still get the same message. I also tried partitioning the drive, to no avail.


I found one article about a work around for such a problem:

TITLE: Retrospect incorrectly reports Disk Full when doing a backup.

It starts: Dantz is investigating an issue which can cause Retrospect to incorrectly report the current backup hard disk is full and then requests a new member to continue the backup.


However, the directions do not relate to my Retrospect program and I think it must be for PCs.


I just hope someone has an answer to this problem for me.




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>I have been using a Simple Drive hard drive with 153.25 GB of memory.


You mean 153.25 GB of storage space. Memory is something different.


> the Retrospect program keeps telling me that there isn't enough space on the

>Simple Drive and I need to choose a second disk for the rest of the backup.


It sounds as if you are using a Removable Backup Set for this.

By default, Retrospect will not use hard drives as Members of Removable Backup Sets; the program's preferences have to be changed in the Media Handling section.


If you do not intend to span your Backup Set across multiple physical hard drives, you should use a File Backup Set for copying files to the hard drive.


The article you quote is indeed for the Windows version of Retrospect, which has a Type of Backup Set called "Disk." The Macintosh version does not have this feature.


- How much data is on the iMac that you are attempting to write to the 153.35 GB external disk (or one of its partitions)?

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Hi Dave,


Thank you for responding to my request for help.


Yes, I am using a Removable Backup Set and the preferences were changed to use a hard drive as a removable disk. I am using file backup sets. I was doing all of this before I updated my Mac operating system. It just doesn't work now. I have tried everything I could think of, including partitions.


I have about 86 GB of data with a capacity of 149 GB.


Any ideas?



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hi faith,


to get the filesystem, do a 'get info' by clicking once on the hard drive's icon on your desktop and then either doing a, 'file->get info', or typing 'command i'. some people call the 'command' key the 'apple' key.


i'm interested in the 'format', 'capacity', 'available', and 'used' entries from the 'general' section of the 'get info' window.

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I am using a Removable Backup Set and the preferences were changed to use a hard drive as a removable disk. I am using file backup sets.



"Removable" and "File" are different Types of Backup Sets; it's either one or the other. The choice is made when you create a new Backup Set, and they can't be changed later.


You need to provide a specific, complete, detailed and accurate step by step description of what you are doing, and what you are seeing when you are doing it. You should, of course, be able to backup 86 GB of data onto an empty volume that has 149 GB of free space, using either Removable or File Backup Sets.


I'm leaning towards user error here, but more information is going to be necessary.



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Ok, Dave. I really must learn the distinctions between all the terms. It gets rather confusing for me. So, as I understand you, I should configure my backup sets as file instead of removable disk. However, the preference should still say use a hard drive as a removable disk.


I configured 2 backup sets and scheduled one for M,W,& F and the other for Tues & Thurs. One never got used and the other said there wasn't enough space. This used to work great - with 3 sets. The catalogs are on my iMac.


Is this enough info?



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Hi Waltr,


First of all I want to let you know that I did an immediate backup of my computer to the external hard drive. Somehow the name of the external drive on my desktop changed to 1-Backup Set A. When I click on the icon, all that comes up is the Retrospect icon with the label Retrospect Data. According to the 'get info', about 57 GB is used. However, when I try to open it, it just takes me to the Retrospect Express Directory.


Here's the info you askecd for: Format: Mac OS Extended, Capacity 153.26GB, Available 95.66 GB, Used 57.59 GB.


I am going to sign off, now because I am leaving town. I will be able to respond again either tomorrow or Sunday.


Thank you for your help.



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