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Backup the backup set?

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Hi all,


I've created about 1TB of backups on a single backup set (TIF images). I have the backup set catalog file saved on my internal hard drive.


My question is:

Do I need to backup the backup set catalog file (i.e. on a CD)? What happens if it is lost - can I still retrieve the files on my tapes? I don't really need any of the directory structure in my backups, just the files.




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>Do I need to backup the backup set catalog file (i.e. on a CD)?


You should.


What happens if it is lost - can I still retrieve the files on my tapes?


Yes, but only after you recreate the Catalog from the tapes; a process that can take quite a while depending on how much data and the speed of the media reading hardware.


Even a slightly out-of-date Catalog backup can be used as the basis of rebuilding to an up-to-date status; can save lots of time.

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