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afp_mount crash with scripted afp server mounting

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- Is that your post on apple.com?


- Is this a File Backup Set stored on the remote share?


- Did you follow the instructions in the Retrospect ReadMe regarding Backup Sets on remote volumes?


- Does it crash afp_mount every time Retrospect attempts to mount the volume?

With the drive unmounted, go to Configure->Volumes and select the grey name of the remote share.

Click on "Subvolume..."

Does the remote volume mount?


- Have you reconfigured the volume in Volumes menu->Configure ?


- Have you tried with clean Retrospect preferences?


- If you log into the Aqua Finder as root, can you log in the remote volume?


- How does the date/time of the afp_mount crash compare to the Retrospect Operations Log?

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Yes, that's my post.

Yes, the File Backup Set is stored on the remote share.

I did follow the instructions in the Retrospect ReadME -- the afp automount had been working previously!


"Does it crash afp_mount every time Retrospect attempts to mount the volume?"




"With the drive unmounted, go to Configure->Volumes and select the grey name of the remote share.

Click on "Subvolume..."

Does the remote volume mount?"


It does -- does that make any sense?


I have not reconfigured the volume (it wouldn't seem to be necessary given that configure works, right?) nor have I tried with new Retrospect preferences.


"How does the date/time of the afp_mount crash compare to the Retrospect Operations Log? "


They compare perfectly.

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"Does it crash afp_mount every time Retrospect attempts to mount the volume?"




"With the drive unmounted, go to Configure->Volumes and select the grey name of the remote share.

Click on "Subvolume..."

Does the remote volume mount?"


>It does -- does that make any sense?


No, since if the second statement is accurate then the first statement is not.


The first thing you need to do is distinguish when the problem happens from when it does not.


Since Retrospect can mount the remote AFP volume from the Volumes Database window, the next test would be to schedule a script to run a few minutes in the future. Make sure the remote volume is not mounted, and then watch what happens.


If that works, the next test would be to repeat the above but first quit Retrospect. Then watch the program launch and attempt to mount the volume.


If you can find the steps to reliably cause this to happen, then try removing the RDU or using an older one and see if the behavior changes.



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"With the drive unmounted, go to Configure->Volumes and select the grey name of the remote share.


Click on "Subvolume..."


Does the remote volume mount?"




I misread you. Configure > Backup set will automatically mount the remote volume. But no matter, following the instructions above does result in automatic mounting of the remote volume.




After checking the log a little more thoroughly, it doesn't appear that every time the script ran, afp_mount crashed -- but the frequence of crashes greatly increased with the latest driver update.




I'll try what you suggest.

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Since Retrospect can mount the remote AFP volume from the Volumes Database window, the next test would be to schedule a script to run a few minutes in the future. Make sure the remote volume is not mounted, and then watch what happens.





With the latest driver (, I get:




Can't access catalog for backup set FRITBackup, error -43 (file/folder not found).


3/6/2006 10:35:13 PM: Execution incomplete.




afp_mount did not crash, however.




On the other hand, from within the program, Configure>Volumes (+clicking on subvolume) does cause the volume to mount.




Same thing with the earlier driver. So what I observed earlier still holds: a script will fail in mounting the afp volume (whether Retrospect is running or not), but the volume will mount normally if a command issued by the user from within Retrospect causes it to happen.




Again I ask: does that make sense?




Lastly, could these console messages be significant?




2006-03-06 22:33:59.655 Retrospect[4678] WARNING: _wrapRunLoopWithAutoreleasePoolHandler got kCFRunLoopExit, but there are no autorelease pools in the stack.


2006-03-06 22:40:48.483 Retrospect[4698] WARNING: _wrapRunLoopWithAutoreleasePoolHandler got kCFRunLoopExit, but there are no autorelease pools in the stack.

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