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Recycling old tapes - Media failure and Error 211 -

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Am having problems using previously recorded Exabyte (Ecrix) backup cartridges. Any suggestions on preparing the old cartridges for re-use.


Tapes have had error messages - Media failure and error 211 (but tapes were set to Record). Neither quick nor long erase worked (at least for first two tries).


Thank you.

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I suggest that you try updating your firmware on your VXA-2 drive. We were having the same problem, even with new tapes, and it turned out not to be cleaning tape or anything else but the firmware. If you look closely at the Exabyte firmware change notes, you will see that there have been several fixes to better read VXA-2 tapes. Current VXA-2 firmware level is 210D of 1/10/2006.



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