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Retrospect 6.1 boot disk kernel panic

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I have the latest Retrospect 6.1 boot disk. When I try to boot a dual-core G5 PowerMac from the Retrospect boot disk, the computer has freezes with a kernel panic. The boot disk works fine on an eMac G4. The dual-core G5s require OS X 10.4.2 or later to boot. Are my problems related to the OS version on the boot CD or is something else causing the panic? If this is a OS issue, when will an updated boot disk be available? 10.4.2 has been out for about 5 months!



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hi robs,


it's possible that your hardware is not supported with that disk. Apple gives the image to companies who need this kind of functionality but they tightly regulate it. it could very well be that the boot image is not 10.4 at all--there could be some problem fitting 10.4 on a CD for example. Apple ships that particular OS on a DVD, but you can get a 'multi' CD version if you jump through some hoops. i don't know what it would take to get 10.4 on a CD like this.


my advice would be to put 10.4.2 (or later) on an external FW HD and boot off of that for disaster recovery. i've also had success booting a machine in 'target' mode for this kind of operation.

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Waltr, the "jump through some hoops" I think you are referring to might be the "Media Exchange" version of the 10.4.3 install CDs for older Macs (e.g., slot-load iMacs) that don't have a DVD drive. I think you might be able to cobble up a Retrospect emergency CD by seletive replacements from the 10.4.3 install CD (should be the same files that need replacing from the 10.4.3 install DVD). Just start with the Retrospect .dmg file, replace things, burn a new CD or DVD using Disk Utility. A while back I did it to get a bootable emergency disk for our Xserve G5 with necessary drivers, Retrospect, etc., so it can be done. Left as an exercise for the reader.



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hi russ,


i still maintain that for licensing reasons EMC must use the image provided by Apple, and that the modifications are regulated.


other than that, i agree with what you say. i just prefer a FW HD, because i find it more convenient. to each his own i guess.

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Apple gives the image to companies who need this kind of functionality but they tightly regulate it.



Apple actually licenses their DDK (disk development kit); I don't know for sure, but I suspect that there is a fee; they don't just give it away.


When Dantz relesed their first Retrospect Emergency CD, the only other software vendor with a similar boot disk was Alsoft (for DiskWarrior).


Today, Alsoft advertises that their version 39 boot CD is compatible with any Macintosh released as of 10/19/2005. Dantz->EMC Dantz->EMCInsignia have traditionaly been slower then Alsoft in releasing new boot disk versions.


Applications running under OS X expect to have temporary disk space they can write to. So any kludged boot disk would need to be based on Apple's custom version of OS X. Perhaps the DiskWarrior CD could be used as a basis, replacing Retrospect for the DiskWarrior application.



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Apple gives the image to companies who need this kind of functionality but they tightly regulate it.



they don't just give it away



i mistyped here. sorry for any confusion.



Perhaps the DiskWarrior CD could be used as a basis, replacing Retrospect for the DiskWarrior application.



once again i note i prefer a bootable FW HD. one could envision having both applications on a FW HD.

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hi russ,


it's very possible that i misunderstood. examining my motives i realize i'm pretty opinionated on the subject. i really do feel that the 'one function' bootable CD should go the way of the floppy since there are (what i consider) better ways of doing this. i hate booting into a 'one function' CD.


even before the advent of ubiquitous CD ROM drives (in _my_ workplace) i was doing the same thing with OS 7 on an Iomega ZIP disk.

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