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Backup not working since upgrade to OS X (long post, sorry)

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We recently purchased a tape drive for backup, an Exabyte VXA-2 FireWire Tape Drive. We are using VXA-2 V23 (230m) 80GB/160/GB Data Cartridges. I have verified that this drive is supported by Retrospect and that we have the correct tape cartridge. We are backing up one partition of a hard drive that is divided into two partitions. One is the start-up partition, the other is a partition on which we store customer files. We are backing up the partition that stores customer files. The tape drive is attached to and backing up a Macintosh G3 that was recently upgraded from system 9 to OS X 10.3.9 (Panther). The hard drive was not re-formatted before OS X was installed. I have downloaded updates and updated our Retrospect to the latest Retrospect version 6.1.126. I keep getting read errors when trying to backup the customer files partition, although I have ran every good repair program I know of to that partition — TechTool, Disk Warrior and Disk Utility. This morning I ran Disk Utility and it verified that the partition was okay.


I am fairly certain the problem is not with the tape drive, as a test backup up of some of the problem customer files to a file backup on the startup drive also produced many -36 errors.


The first question I would like to ask is whether having journaling enabled has anything to do with why the backup is not working. Retrospect does support journaled volumes, does it not?


The following is an excerpt from the log of last night's backup when the program was backing up (this is a very small portion of the whole log, there was a very long list of files it reported read errors on) Following this excerpt is also an excerpt of errors reported while the program was trying to verify the backup:


∆ Retrospect version 6.1.126

automatically launched at 2/20/2006 7:00 PM

+ Retrospect Driver Update, version


+ Normal backup using Files Volume M,W,F BU at 2/20/2006 7:00 PM

To backup set Files Volume M,W,F Set…


- 2/20/2006 7:00:20 PM: Copying Files Volume…

Can't read file “•T+•Files Volume”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/•T+•Files Volume”.

Can't read file “•T+•Files Volume(1)”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/•T+•Files Volume(1)”.

Can't read file “•T+•Files Volume(2)”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/•T+•Files Volume(2)”.

Can't read file “BALANCE PLUS AGREEMENT2.p65”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Bill Morris/Balance Plus Account Agreements/BALANCE PLUS AGREEMENT2.p65”.

Can't read file “Balance Plus Agreements”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Bill Morris/Balance Plus Account Agreements/Balance Plus Agreements”.

Can't read file “BALANCE PLUS.p65”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Bill Morris/Balance Plus Account Agreements/BALANCE PLUS.p65”.

Can't read file “2000/#2(U)”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Bill Morris/cdcguide/2000/#2(U)”.

Can't read file “New Accounts-CSB Final.PMD”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Bill Morris/New Accounts Brochures 10-05/New Accounts-CSB Final.PMD”.

Can't read file “Pacesetter Ad.tiff”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Bill Morris/Pacesetter Bank/Pacesetter Hometown Financing/Pacesetter Ad.tiff”.

Can't read file “SUMMERTIME.p65”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Bill Morris/Summertime/SUMMERTIME.p65”.

Can't read file “RiverFest Comcast1.EPS”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Customer Logos/Art --> Keep Me!/ Customer Logos & Art/Adelphia/Comcast Logos & Art/RiverFest Comcast1.EPS”.

Can't read file “CHS logo converted to Photoshop”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Customer Logos/Art --> Keep Me!/ Customer Logos & Art/CHS Logo-Various forms/CHS logo converted to Photoshop”.

Can't read file “CHS logo adjusted/Photoshop.eps”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Customer Logos/Art --> Keep Me!/ Customer Logos & Art/CHS Logo-Various forms/Adjusted by Karen/CHS logo adjusted/Photoshop.eps”.

Can't read file “FWOLO~13.EPS”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Customer Logos/Art --> Keep Me!/ Customer Logos & Art/FWO logos/FWO Logos Various Formats/EPS/FWOLO~13.EPS”.

Can't read file “wellnotype.bmp”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Customer Logos/Art --> Keep Me!/ Customer Logos & Art/well logo for MGH/wellnotype.bmp”.

Can't read file “spencer logo bw.eps”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Customer Logos/Art --> Keep Me!/spencer new logo/spencer logo bw.eps”.

Can't read file “spencer logo.TIF”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Customer Logos/Art --> Keep Me!/spencer new logo/spencer logo.TIF”.

Can't read file “DOLCO 900 Master BC 10up old”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Bill Cooke/Bill Cooke-Misc/Dolco Packaging (Bill Cooke)/DOLCO Business Cards/DOLCO BCs/Dolco BCs 10up/DOLCO 900 Master BC 10up old”.

Can't read file “accutech logo color sep.eps”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Accutech Systems/accutech logo color sep.eps”.

Can't read file “Kerr 1 backer.eps”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Alltrista / Jarden/Ball & Kerr coupons/Coupons converted to EPS/Kerr 1 backer.eps”.

Can't read file “LNT price labels.eps”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Alltrista / Jarden/Jar Toppers / Gift Promo/email to discount labels/LNT price labels.eps”.

Can't read file “A-09.DOT”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Alltrista / Jarden/SPD Books / Benefits/OBSOLETE - VERY OLD/alltrista policy book '99/A-09.DOT”.

Can't read file “A-14.DOT”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Alltrista / Jarden/SPD Books / Benefits/OBSOLETE - VERY OLD/alltrista policy book '99/A-14.DOT”.

Can't read file “B-21.DOT”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Alltrista / Jarden/SPD Books / Benefits/OBSOLETE - VERY OLD/alltrista policy book '99/B-21.DOT”.

Can't read file “B-35.DOT”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Alltrista / Jarden/SPD Books / Benefits/OBSOLETE - VERY OLD/alltrista policy book '99/B-35.DOT”.

Can't read file “Visor Install fix.doc”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Bartlett Corp./Bartlett Booklets/Visor Installation Booklet/Visor Install fix.doc”.

Can't read file “Visor Program (SD- 1030) B.doc”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Bartlett Corp./Bartlett Booklets/Visor Programming Booklet/Visor Program (SD- 1030) B.doc”.

Can't read file “BlueConnect_16pgInstall.qxp”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Bartlett Corp./Bartlett books 1.05/ELITE FORMS/BlueConnect_16pgInstall.qxp”.

Can't read file “BlueConnect_28pgUserREV.qxp”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Bartlett Corp./Bartlett books 1.05/ELITE FORMS/BlueConnect_28pgUserREV.qxp”.

Can't read file “BlueConnect Installation Instructions 2.doc”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Bartlett Corp./Bartlett books 1.05/ELITE FORMS/ORIG FILES/BlueConnect Installation Instructions 2.doc”.

Can't read file “BlueConnect Installation Instructions rev 10-07-05.doc”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Bartlett Corp./Bartlett books 1.05/ELITE FORMS/ORIG FILES/BlueConnect Installation Instructions rev 10-07-05.doc”.

Can't read file “BlueConnect_Install_16pg.doc”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Bartlett Corp./Bartlett books 1.05/ELITE FORMS/ORIG FILES/BlueConnect_Install_16pg.doc”.

Can't read file “CONSUMER USERS MANUA1.doc”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Bartlett Corp./Bartlett books 1.05/ELITE FORMS/ORIG FILES/CONSUMER USERS MANUA1.doc”.

Can't read file “BlueConnect Reg Card.doc”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Bartlett Corp./Bartlett Registration Cards/BC 203 BlueConnect Reg/BlueConnect Reg Card.doc”.

Can't read file “Living Will insert p1.eps”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Cemeteries (Futura Group)/Inserts + Circulars/Cresthaven Living Will Insert 1/06/Living Will insert p1.eps”.

Can't read file “Living Will insert p2.eps”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Cemeteries (Futura Group)/Inserts + Circulars/Cresthaven Living Will Insert 1/06/Living Will insert p2.eps”.

Can't read file “Elm Ridge 4-c vets Page_1.tiff”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Cemeteries (Futura Group)/Inserts + Circulars/Elm Ridge Valor Hill/Elm Ridge 4-c vets Page_1.tiff”.

Can't read file “Elm Ridge 4-c vets Page_2.tiff”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Cemeteries (Futura Group)/Inserts + Circulars/Elm Ridge Valor Hill/Elm Ridge 4-c vets Page_2.tiff”.

Can't read file “Reply card APv.1 (Vets).eps”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Cemeteries (Futura Group)/Mailers & Promo/Acacia / Rose Hills mailers/PDFs Converted to art/Reply card APv.1 (Vets).eps”.

Can't read file “FinancialPolicyBroch.pub”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/CIO - Central Indiana Ortho/FinancialPolicyBroch.pub”.

Can't read file “CIO logo color sep.eps”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/CIO - Central Indiana Ortho/Bus Cards / Appt Cards/CIO Logos/Art/CIO logo color sep.eps”.

Can't read file “FCC Letterhead Indiana.bmp”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/FCC (formerly Jaytec)/Letterheads/Envelopes/Memo/FCC Letterhead Indiana.bmp”.

Can't read file “habitat envelope.p65”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Habitat for Humanity/habitat envelope.p65”.

Can't read file “Page 2.eps”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/In Touch Dining (Table Talk)/Platter Chatter - Don Halls/Fix in Quark then print to EPS/Page 2.eps”.

Can't read file “brochure”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/My Hair Broker/brochure”.

Can't read file “brochure-1”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/My Hair Broker/brochure-1”.

Can't read file “brochure”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/My Hair Broker/My Hair Broker recovered files/brochure”.

Can't read file “GIFTBOX.epsbitmap”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/CHARLES/MISC FILES/GIFTBOX.epsbitmap”.

Can't read file “ASC LetterHeadFinal.EPS”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Clayton/Accutech/original art (emailed)/ASC LetterHeadFinal.EPS”.

Can't read file “TSC 104 and 111.pdf”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Clayton/Shelbourne Clinic forms/Fixed Files/TSC 104 and 111.pdf”.

Can't read file “TSC 116 Initial Note.pdf”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Clayton/Shelbourne Clinic forms/Fixed Files/TSC 116 Initial Note.pdf”.

Can't read file “sptslogo screen sep.eps”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Clayton/Sports Physical Therapy (SPTS)/logos & art/sptslogo screen sep.eps”.

Can't read file “sptslogo spot sep cool gray.eps”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Clayton/Sports Physical Therapy (SPTS)/logos & art/sptslogo spot sep cool gray.eps”.

Can't read file “A Stout BCs 12 up all names”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/A Stout Furniture & Bedding/Business Cards/A Stout BCs 12 up all names”.

Can't read file “bifold on grstrosprep2.qxd”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/Cntrl Ind Gastr/Old Files (backup)/03DET0609 (CGIC Prep 4)/bifold on grstrosprep2.qxd”.

Can't read file “MAP_DUO.tif”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/Cntrl Ind Gastr/Old Files (backup)/04DET0076 (CGIC Prep 1)/Pictures/MAP_DUO.tif”.

Can't read file “bifold on grstrosprep2.qxd”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/Cntrl Ind Gastr/Use Current Files on PC!!/Central Ind Gastro Brochures/03DET0609 (CGIC Prep 4)/bifold on grstrosprep2.qxd”.

Can't read file “Beth Business Card.2”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/Eye Center/Art/Beth Business Card.2”.

Can't read file “frankfort map gray.tif”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/Eye Center/Art/frankfort map gray.tif”.

Can't read file “lafayette map.tif”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/Eye Center/Art/lafayette map.tif”.

Can't read file “white county gray.tif”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/Eye Center/Art/white county gray.tif”.

Can't read file “Hoosier Lottery HL-ARC.pmd”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/Hoosier Lottery/Age Restriction Cards 2005/Hoosier Lottery HL-ARC.pmd”.

Can't read file “HCI_card2.tiff”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/Hunter Construction Inc./HCI_card2.tiff”.

Can't read file “IOH 016 steroid epideral inject”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/IOH - Indy Ortho Hospital/IOH 016 steroid epideral inject”.

Can't read file “IOHLOGO.TIF”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/IOH - Indy Ortho Hospital/Indiana Ortho Hospital logos/logo file from customer/IOHLOGO.TIF”.

Can't read file “OIFI 610 Reg Env Fishers.pmd”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/Ortho Indy/Envelopes/OIFI 610 Reg Env Fishers.pmd”.

Can't read file “ORTHO 542 Memo master stock 9up”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/Ortho Indy/ORTHO forms/ORTHO 542 Memo master stock 9up”.

Can't read file “Ortho 542 memo NEW master.pmd”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/Ortho Indy/ORTHO forms/Ortho 542 memo NEW master.pmd”.

Can't read file “SESC 042 Local Discharge.pmd”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/Ortho Indy/SESC Southeast Surgery Center/SESC 042 Local Discharge.pmd”.

Can't read file “Richmond Baking from scan.eps”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/Richmond Baking/Richmond Baking from scan.eps”.

Can't read file “RPL 300C 4-02.p65”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/Richmond Power & Light/RPL 300C 4-02.p65”.

Can't read file “RPL lighter.pmd”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/Richmond Power & Light/RPL lighter.pmd”.

Can't read file “Burlington BLUE.eps”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/Unified Group Services/Burlington Motor Carriers/Burlington BLUE.eps”.

Can't read file “Burlington RED.eps”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/Unified Group Services/Burlington Motor Carriers/Burlington RED.eps”.

Can't read file “WW-SUMMER EVENT Postcard.p65”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/Wilson Wines/WW-SUMMER EVENT Postcard.p65”.

Can't read file “OSBORNS.TIF”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Debbie/Albany EMS/AEMS spaghetti poster/OSBORNS.TIF”.

Can't read file “BCH 7019 Physicians Orders”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Debbie/Blackford Community Hospital/BCH forms/BCH 7019 Physicians Orders”.

Can't read file “BCH 7066 Outcomes Walk Test”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Debbie/Blackford Community Hospital/BCH forms/BCH 7066 Outcomes Walk Test”.




2/20/2006 10:51:12 PM: Comparing Files Volume…

Can't read file “CS Booklet Acknow Form.pmd”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/AAAA/CS Booklet Acknow Form.pmd”.

File “BV Layout First Quarter.pmd”: miscompare at data offset 221,055, path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Bill Morris/BV Layout First Quarter.pmd”.

Can't read file “E FUNDS TRANSFER AGREE.doc”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Bill Morris/E FUNDS TRANSFER AGREE.doc”.

Can't read file “BALANCE PLUS AGREEMENT2”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Bill Morris/Balance Plus Account Agreements/BALANCE PLUS AGREEMENT2”.

Can't read file “Blackford Golf Club.p65”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Bill Morris/Blackford Golf Club/Blackford Golf Club.p65”.

Can't read file “INVESTMENT BROCHURE 7-04.PMD”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Bill Morris/Investment Brochure/INVESTMENT BROCHURE 7-04.PMD”.

Can't read file “Pacesetter Stmt-Hartford 04 old”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Bill Morris/Pacesetter Bank/Hartford City/Pacesetter Stmt-Hartford 04 old”.

Can't read file “TELEBANKING.P65”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Bill Morris/Pacesetter Tele-Banking/TELEBANKING.P65”.

Can't read file “ *chs FHC logos (USE ME)”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Customer Logos/Art --> Keep Me!/ Customer Logos & Art/CHS Logo-Various forms/ *chs FHC logos (USE ME)”.

Can't read file “FWOLOG~D.EPS”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Customer Logos/Art --> Keep Me!/ Customer Logos & Art/FWO logos/FWO Logos Various Formats/EPS/FWOLOG~D.EPS”.

Can't read file “FWOLO~18.EPS”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Customer Logos/Art --> Keep Me!/ Customer Logos & Art/FWO logos/FWO Logos Various Formats/EPS/FWOLO~18.EPS”.

Can't read file “Jiont Replacement Logo.bmp”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Customer Logos/Art --> Keep Me!/ Customer Logos & Art/logos/Jiont Replacement Logo.bmp”.

File “SV Name 1 line 8x40p.tif”: miscompare at data offset 994,239, path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Customer Logos/Art --> Keep Me!/ Customer Logos & Art/St. Vincent Scans/Logos/SV Name 1 line 8x40p.tif”.

Can't read file “SV-birds to side, no addr.tiff”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Customer Logos/Art --> Keep Me!/ Customer Logos & Art/St. Vincent Scans/Logos/SV-birds to side, no addr.tiff”.

Can't read file “Spencer logo bw.bmp”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Customer Logos/Art --> Keep Me!/spencer new logo/Spencer logo bw.bmp”.

Can't read file “spencer printing”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Customer Logos/Art --> Keep Me!/spencer new logo/spencer printing”.

File “Appt Cards No Logo 10-up”: miscompare at data offset 94,208, path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Bill Cooke/Bill Cooke-BMA/Appointment Cards/Appt Cards No Logo 10-up”.

File “BMA 202,BMA 2114 10up Musselman”: miscompare at data offset 52,622, path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Bill Cooke/Bill Cooke-BMA/Appointment Cards/BMA 202,BMA 2114 10up Musselman”.

File “BMA Non-Security RX Pads”: miscompare at data offset 81,922, path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Bill Cooke/Bill Cooke-BMA/RX Pads/White Scripts, Non-Sec, Horiz/BMA Non-Security RX Pads”.

File “BMA 2150 White Script-Singleton”: miscompare at data offset 606,218, path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Bill Cooke/Bill Cooke-BMA/RX Pads/White Scripts, Non-Sec, Verticl/BMA 2150 White Script-Singleton”.

File “BMA 2170 White Script-C Frazier”: miscompare at data offset 512,002, path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Bill Cooke/Bill Cooke-BMA/RX Pads/White Scripts, Non-Sec, Verticl/BMA 2170 White Script-C Frazier”.

File “BMA 2186 White Script-Laur”: miscompare at data offset 577,586, path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Bill Cooke/Bill Cooke-BMA/RX Pads/White Scripts, Non-Sec, Verticl/BMA 2186 White Script-Laur”.

Can't read file “DOLCO BC Ramos/Hernandez”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Bill Cooke/Bill Cooke-Misc/Dolco Packaging (Bill Cooke)/DOLCO Business Cards/DOLCO BCs/Dolco BCs 10up/DOLCO BC Ramos/Hernandez”.

Can't read file “accutech ACT 201 Letterhead”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Accutech Systems/accutech ACT 201 Letterhead”.

Can't read file “Allied rent no more Postcard”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Allied Home Mortgage/Rent No More postcard/Allied rent no more Postcard”.

Can't read file “coupon grouping copy.eps”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Alltrista / Jarden/Ball & Kerr coupons/Alltrista 3 Fair Coupon/Fair coupon/Art/coupon grouping copy.eps”.

Can't read file “Kerr 1.eps”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Alltrista / Jarden/Ball & Kerr coupons/Coupons converted to EPS/Kerr 1.eps”.

Can't read file “Kerr 3 backer.eps”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Alltrista / Jarden/Ball & Kerr coupons/Coupons converted to EPS/Kerr 3 backer.eps”.

Can't read file “Kerr 3.eps”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Alltrista / Jarden/Ball & Kerr coupons/Coupons converted to EPS/Kerr 3.eps”.

Can't read file “Kerr 5 backer.eps”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Alltrista / Jarden/Ball & Kerr coupons/Coupons converted to EPS/Kerr 5 backer.eps”.

Can't read file “Kerr 5 blue backer.eps”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Alltrista / Jarden/Ball & Kerr coupons/Coupons converted to EPS/Kerr 5 blue backer.eps”.

Can't read file “Kerr 5 blue.eps”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Alltrista / Jarden/Ball & Kerr coupons/Coupons converted to EPS/Kerr 5 blue.eps”.

Can't read file “Kerr 5.eps”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Alltrista / Jarden/Ball & Kerr coupons/Coupons converted to EPS/Kerr 5.eps”.

Can't read file “JAR 402 P&C Env. Corporate”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Alltrista / Jarden/Letterheads & Envelopes/Envelopes/JAR 402 P&C Env. Corporate”.

Can't read file “Elite Presentation Cover”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Alltrista / Jarden/Misc/Elite Presentation Cover”.

File “Consumer DCRA (3)”: miscompare at data offset 13,874, path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Alltrista / Jarden/SPD Books / Benefits/JARDEN Benefit Choices/Consumer Manufacturing Cloquet/(we don't print these sections)/Consumer DCRA (3)”.

Can't read file “A-06.DOT”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Alltrista / Jarden/SPD Books / Benefits/OBSOLETE - VERY OLD/alltrista policy book '99/A-06.DOT”.

Can't read file “Visor Program fix.doc”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Bartlett Corp./Bartlett Booklets/Visor Programming Booklet/Visor Program fix.doc”.

Can't read file “BC User Manual rev 10-07-05.doc”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Bartlett Corp./Bartlett books 1.05/ELITE FORMS/ORIG FILES/BC User Manual rev 10-07-05.doc”.

Can't read file “BC User Manual rev 10-24-05.doc”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Bartlett Corp./Bartlett books 1.05/ELITE FORMS/ORIG FILES/BC User Manual rev 10-24-05.doc”.

Can't read file “Homelink WARRANTY.doc”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Bartlett Corp./Bartlett Registration Cards/BC 202 Home Link Reg/Homelink WARRANTY.doc”.

Can't read file “Open House Card 2 up back”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Bill Frazier Mobile Homes/Open House Card 2 up back”.

Can't read file “Elite's presort permit 228.p65”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Cemeteries (Futura Group)/Mailers & Promo/Elite's presort permit 228.p65”.

File “GAM 100 Gyn Assoc Chg Slip”: miscompare at data offset 30,334, path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/CHARGE SLIPS/GAM 100 Gyn Assoc Chg Slip”.

Can't read file “CIO BC Amy Myers Train.pmd”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/CIO - Central Indiana Ortho/Bus Cards / Appt Cards/Individuals' BCs/CIO BC Amy Myers Train.pmd”.

Can't read file “CIO 281 Medical Release Form”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/CIO - Central Indiana Ortho/CIO Forms/CIO 281 Medical Release Form”.

Can't read file “CIO 106 P & OT newest.pdf”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/CIO - Central Indiana Ortho/CIO Forms/CIO 106/CIO 106 P & OT newest.pdf”.

Can't read file “CIO COLOR TABS 3 BANK”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/CIO - Central Indiana Ortho/Misc/CIO COLOR TABS/CIO COLOR TABS 3 BANK”.

Can't read file “Cisco multi-ch 2-color.eps”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Comcast/Flyers/Digital / Internet Flyers/6x9 69.95 Limited-time offer/Cisco multi-ch 2-color.eps”.

Can't read file “Z4935.eps”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Comcast/Race for Cure ad/Z4935.eps”.

File “Comcast Rates Multi 6up”: miscompare at data offset 2,510,558, path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Comcast/Rate Cards & Channel Line-ups/ Comcast Rates & Lineups 2006/ trash before next run/Comcast Rates Multi 6up”.

Can't read file “Comcast Samples Digi Channels-5”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Comcast/Rate Cards & Channel Line-ups/ Comcast Rates & Lineups 2006/ trash before next run/Comcast Samples Digi Channels-5”.

Can't read file “FCC Bus Card logo.bmp”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/FCC (formerly Jaytec)/Business Cards/FCC Bus Card logo.bmp”.

File “FGC 200 PRAYER CHAIN”: miscompare at data offset 110,530, path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Four Square Church/FGC 200 PRAYER CHAIN”.

Can't read file “Icon◊”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/In Touch Dining (Table Talk)/Icon◊”.

Can't read file “Customer Service Record partial”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Marcum Racing/Customer Service Record partial”.

Can't read file “PE 400 #10 Window Envelope”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Peerless Electric/PE 400 #10 Window Envelope”.

Can't read file “spartech.doc”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Brad/Spartech/spartech logos/spartech.doc”.

Can't read file “neb_Logo.bmp”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Clayton/Northeast Bank/neb_Logo.bmp”.

Can't read file “logo1web.tif”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Clayton/Shelbourne Clinic forms/logo1web.tif”.

Can't read file “TSC 200 RX Pad”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Clayton/Shelbourne Clinic forms/Fixed Files/TSC 200 RX Pad”.

Can't read file “TSC 104 and 111.pdf”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Clayton/Shelbourne Clinic forms 2/04/TSC 104 and 111.pdf”.

Can't read file “TSC 105 General Progress.pdf”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Clayton/Shelbourne Clinic forms 2/04/TSC 105 General Progress.pdf”.

Can't read file “sptslogo spot sep.eps”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Clayton/Sports Physical Therapy (SPTS)/logos & art/sptslogo spot sep.eps”.

Can't read file “A Stout BCs 10 up all names”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/A Stout Furniture & Bedding/Business Cards/A Stout BCs 10 up all names”.

Can't read file “A Stout BCs 12 up Sales”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/A Stout Furniture & Bedding/Business Cards/A Stout BCs 12 up Sales”.

Can't read file “A Stout BCs 12 up template”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/A Stout Furniture & Bedding/Business Cards/A Stout BCs 12 up template”.

Can't read file “AERCO Bryant 8-09-05.pmd”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/AERCO/AHC Bryant New Equip Line/AERCO Bryant 8-09-05.pmd”.

Can't read file “6HR_DRINK.tif”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/Cntrl Ind Gastr/Old Files (backup)/03DET0609 (CGIC Prep 4)/Pictures/6HR_DRINK.tif”.

Can't read file “reprint-colonos prep2 fix.qxd”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/Cntrl Ind Gastr/Old Files (backup)/04DET0076 (CGIC Prep 1)/reprint-colonos prep2 fix.qxd”.

Can't read file “6HR_DRINK.tif”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/Cntrl Ind Gastr/Use Current Files on PC!!/Central Ind Gastro Brochures/03DET0609 (CGIC Prep 4)/Pictures/6HR_DRINK.tif”.

Can't read file “6HR_FOOD.tif”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/Cntrl Ind Gastr/Use Current Files on PC!!/Central Ind Gastro Brochures/03DET0609 (CGIC Prep 4)/Pictures/6HR_FOOD.tif”.

Can't read file “reprint-colonos prep2 fix.qxd”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/Cntrl Ind Gastr/Use Current Files on PC!!/Central Ind Gastro Brochures/04DET0076 (CGIC Prep 1)/reprint-colonos prep2 fix.qxd”.

Can't read file “MAP_DUO.tif”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/Cntrl Ind Gastr/Use Current Files on PC!!/Central Ind Gastro Brochures/04DET0076 (CGIC Prep 1)/Pictures/MAP_DUO.tif”.

Can't read file “Beth Business Card.1”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/Eye Center/Art/Beth Business Card.1”.

Can't read file “Lafayette_Logo.tif”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/Eye Center/Art/Lafayette_Logo.tif”.

Can't read file “ECG 302 (partial)”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/Eye Center/ECG Forms/ECG 302 (partial)”.

Can't read file “ECG 532 Surgery Chart Bond LH”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/Eye Center/ECG Forms/ECG 532 Surgery Chart Bond LH”.

Can't read file “carrick.eps”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/Eye Center/Memo Pads/ECG 506 From Desk Of/carrick.eps”.

Can't read file “ECG 506 note pad Steph Carrick”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/Eye Center/Memo Pads/ECG 506 From Desk Of/ECG 506 note pad Steph Carrick”.

Can't read file “Confetti Canopy3.tif”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/Eye Center/Refer A Friend LVC Card/Confetti Canopy3.tif”.

Can't read file “ECG RX 03 B Cyclogel/Isopto”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/Eye Center/RX Pads/ECG RX 03 B Cyclogel/Isopto”.

Can't read file “ECG RX 03 Cyclogel/Homatropine”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/Eye Center/RX Pads/ECG RX 03 Cyclogel/Homatropine”.

Can't read file “ECG RX 13 Eye Center Group Sec.”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/Eye Center/RX Pads/ECG RX 13 Eye Center Group Sec.”.

Can't read file “ECG RX-17 Ocuflox 11/02”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/Eye Center/RX Pads/ECG RX 17/ECG RX-17 Ocuflox 11/02”.

Can't read file “Hoosier Lottery HL-ARC 8up.pmd”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/Hoosier Lottery/Age Restriction Cards 2005/Hoosier Lottery HL-ARC 8up.pmd”.

Can't read file “oibcards3.eps”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/IOH - Indy Ortho Hospital/Indiana Ortho Hospital logos/oibcards3.eps”.

File “calendarVickersFinal.p65”: miscompare at data offset 2,002,278, path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/Neff Engineering/Neff Engineering Other/calendarVickersFinal.p65”.

File “Norfleet BC Jason 10up”: miscompare at data offset 1,760,878, path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/norfleet BC/Norfleet BC Jason 10up”.

File “BCs-New-PM6.5”: miscompare at data offset 2,111,727, path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/Ortho Indy/Business Cards/BCs-New-PM6.5”.

Can't read file “OIK Miller Only”, error -36 (i/o error, bad media?), path: “Files Volume/Customer files/Elite/Dave/Ortho Indy/Business Cards/BCs-all old ones/OIK/OIK Miller Only”.


The only solution I have come across is to copy the files to another drive. At present this is impossible, as this is a large drive and we don't have another to copy to, although we may resort to purchasing another one, if absolutely necessary. If anyone has any other suggestion for fixing this, I would appreciate any input. Thanks.

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In my experience, if the the -36 I/O error is logged for a source volume, it almost always means the drive is failing.


Since it would appear you cannot achieve a single error-free backup either to your FireWire tape or the (presumably) ATAPI startup drive, if it were my problem, I'd rush to purchase a second drive and hope like hell I could successfully copy over all my data files.


You don't say what model G3 you're using, but the early version blue-and-white models had marginal on-board FireWire, and the built-in ATAPI bus would not reliably support a second drive in slave mode, so I would purchase an appropriate adapter card at the same time.

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Yes, our G3 is a blue-and-white. I don't know if it would be considered an "early version," but if I remember correctly, we at one time determined that it was a gigabit ethernet version. I think I remember from looking at the system profile this morning that it is 350mhz. I think you are right, that the drive is failing. I tried a straight finder copy from the files volume to the startup volume of a folder I knew didn't backup correctly with Retrospect, and got -36 errors then also, so it is starting to look like an issue having nothing to do with the tape drive or Retrospect. Man, I hate to have to go to the boss with yet another problem that he will have to spend another boatload of money on. We have another G3 just like the one being used as the file server just sitting around because the hard drive has been taken out of it, so I was wondering if the ATAPI bus or card or whatever in it could be taken out and put in the server G3 to drive the second hard drive. Come to think of it, I may have been wrong about the server having one large drive and two partitions, I think it may have two separate physical drives. This is something I will have to check out when I get to work tomorrow.


I have read at least one other post that said the FireWire drive in blue-and-white G3s are not up to specs. Should we purchase a FireWire card AND an adapter card for the second hard drive?


Thanks for your help.

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Man, I hate to have to go to the boss with yet another problem that he will have to spend another boatload of money on.



A Seagate 300 GB EIDE drive with 16 MB of cache is $130 (+CA tax + shipping) at gogocity.com. And if that's larger then the drive you have in the machine now (and may be to large for the built in ATA bus in the G3) a 120 GB drive is $79.


Given the number of separations, colors, pdfs, letter heads, etc that you revealed in the example log entries, this sounds like a minuscule investment in your client's data integrity.


>Should we purchase a FireWire card AND an adapter card for the second hard drive?


There are other options available besides FireWire bus<->FW bridge<->EIDE interface drive. You can get a serial ATA host adapter connecting natively to a SATA hard drive, either internally or externally.



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I have read at least one other post that said the FireWire drive in blue-and-white G3s are not up to specs. Should we purchase a FireWire card AND an adapter card for the second hard drive?



If you go to Apple's website, you will be able to find info on what options you have for installing additional or replacement drives in your particular model. For example, the article http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=24342 shows how to determine whether you can install a slave ATA drive.


If you already have two drives (and not one partitioned), you'll need an ATA host adapter card anyway to install an additional drive. These are cheap; when we installed one a few years ago in an old B&W G3, it cost us around $30.


If you plan to continue to use your FireWire tape drive, I would probably purchase a FW adapter as well, whether or not you intend to use a FW HD.

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Since upgrading the servers from 10.4.2 and beyond, running Retrospect causes a collection of catastrophic failures on at least two of my client's file servers. Not only does Retrospect crash, but it brings down the whole server to boot. When you get going again, the catalogue has also been damaged and you have to repair this again to get retrospect to run again, only to crash the server and continue the vicious cycle.


Is this yet another Apple vs the little guys war going on or is this the official end of the line for Retrospect and Macintosh? Please let me know because I don't have the time of day to second guess what is happening here and interface with my clients who have systems that did work until a few months ago and now a backup system that apart from not backing up, crashes their server.


To be helpful, the details are: Servers - G4 and G5 both with SCSI cards and external DAT tape drives {Sony}

Software: Retrospect Server version 6.1.124

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To be helpful, the details are: Servers - G4 and G5 both with SCSI cards and external DAT tape drives {Sony}

Software: Retrospect Server version 6.1.124




That's no "details" wink.gif


Detailed information contains EXACT information about brand, model, driver version, CPU speed, RAM etc etc.

Specifically Adaptec has NO support beyond Mac OS 10.2.x.




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