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Miscompare errors w LaCie Big Disk Extreme

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Mac OS X 10.4.4

Blue and White G3, 896mb RAM, 400mhz

Built-in firewire 400 bus

LaCie d2 Big Disk Extreme firewire external HD

Retro ver. 6.1.126

Driver update ver.


1. I am consistently getting "miscompare at data offset" errors on hundreds of files when I back up to either one of TWO LaCie d2 Big Disk Extreme. The largest number of errors are usually associated with backing up .jpg and .mp3 and .mpx files. I checked to see if the HD driver was up to date with a LaCie utility and it is.


2. Using exactly the same firewire port and cable, I can backup successfully to an Oxford 115gb external HD, only getting the usual date and time miscompare error msg on a small number of files. Unfortunately, this drive is too small to backup all the Macs on our network.


Does anyone have any ideas on what is going wrong?


Thanks for any help.


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Thanks for guidance, Dave.


The Blue & White G3 is now backing up normally to the 500gb external drive using a Firewire PCI card instead of the built-in firewire port.


By the way, can I install the FW pci card in the first expansion slot on the B&W? It runs at 66mhz versus 33mhz for the other three slots. I am running the box headless so I don't need to have the video card in the first slot and can move it to another. If I do move the FW card to the faster slot should I expect to see faster throughput?


I'm back in business with backups!



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