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Directory Size Incorrect causing Backup to Fail

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Hello All,


Not really sure what to search for in the Forum on this topic, so I'll just post it.



X Serve running 10.4.3 and Retrospect 6.1.126

Conneceted via Fibre QLogic Switch

Scalar 100 Tape Drive Backup System


Backup Solutions:

We run backups on about 4 Terabytes of data. Usually backup roughly 1Gb a night from this data. We run 4 sets of tapes that alternatly run 7 nights (1 week) a month and have 1 set that runs every night.



Recently all 5 of our catalogs went corrupt. How we don't know but they did. So we rebuilt all of our catalogs and started over with all new tapes. Everything was running fine again until this week. When we run a backup now no matter what set it is, Retrospect says that it needs to back up something like 47,000 Terabytes and says to insert more tapes. This is obviously wrong and our storage devices only contain about 4 Terabytes of data total. Retrospect is showing this error and the scan stops on the same share everytime. We have also narrowed it down to a directory that Retrospect is failing on within this share. Is there anything that would make Retrospect think that there is some mass amount of data in this directory when there really isn't??? Is there some type of character set in the files or directories that causes Retrospect to act crazy like this?? Should I just make a new directory and copy all of the data in there and try to back that up? I don't want to have to narrow this down to a folder or file if I don't have to. Could be as simple as a preference file or maybe we need to re-install Retrospect? This could take us days even weeks. maybe there is something I'm missing, anyone see this before?


Any help is much apprecited!

Thank you!

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We have also narrowed it down to a directory that Retrospect is failing on within this share



Can you provide more (some) information regarding the Source that's causing the problem? Is it a local, mounted volume? Is it a network, mounted volume? Is it a Retrospect Client volume?


Yes, illegal named files might be problematic. Space-only name is bad; numbers in names are fine.



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It is a network mounted volume.






Is it a Windows server?



No mention of a # sign there, but "Do not end a file or directory name with a trailing space or a period. Although the underlying file system may support such names, the operating system does not."




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I'm currently running a shell on the directory for files that end in spaces and end in periods. It is still running and already have about 30 files with spaces at the end and 3 files with periods at the end...argh! I am going to clean up these files and try running the Backup again. Please let me know if there is anything else you guys know of. Thank you Lennart Thelander!

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