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Backing up Windows clients with new 7.5 client installed? Slow?

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So I upgraded a Windows client from 7.0 to 7.5 (backing up to my Retrospect 6.1 server.)


Granted, this is an experiment with *one* computer, but the backup speed -- on a switched 100Base-T network -- to that client dropped from in the 250M/Min range to 15M/min.


this is on XP SP2, etc...


Am I missing something here?

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So, I reproduced this on *many other PCs*. EMC, there's a problem here!



this is with using Retrospect 6.1 on the mac.


had a client (XP SP2 all patches). Had the last 7.0.107 client.


Backed this computer up to one tape. Ran at 246.8M.


upgraded this client to the 7.5 release. Restarted the computer.


Backed the computer up a 2nd time: Ran at 17M/min!!!



Uninstalled the client. Reinstalled 7.5.


Ran the backup again: still ran in the 15-20M/min range.



Turned the firewall *off*: no difference. Slow


Uninstalled 7.5. Put 7.0.107 back on.


Rebooted and ran backup: back to the high 200M/min range.




The odd thing -- the actual *scan* of the computer is about exactly the same between 7.0 and 7.5 client.


Backup speed is extremely different, though.


- Steve

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I was only trying (as a test) to backup about 300-500M (backed up the same set of data to different tapes, too.)




Doing a file backup doesn't interest me (as it would take a lot of time to set this up.)




I should also mention that we have a couple of Linux clients. We updated those to the 7.5 Linux client and there was *no* performance degradation there.




it's specific to the Windows client. I'm hopeful (?) that you can reproduce this.

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I am seeing mixed results with different machines. In one test, the speeds dropped from 200-250 down to ~10 megs/min after the update. In another test, the speeds actually increased from ~70 to ~250-300 megs/min. We'll have to do a little more investigating on this issue.

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I am going through the same issue.

I am running 7.5.251 multi server on a Win 2oo3 box with all the updated clients. Mac and PC.


This is killing me. I called tech support and nothing worked. Please help out here.



SLOOOOOW back up. I can't get one backup script done over night.

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I can also confirm the same problem. I've got a Mac OS X 10.3.9 station with Workgroup 6.1.126 and driver update It backs up about 3.7G worth of data across 16 different clients (1 OS 9, 2 OS X, 13 Win XP Pro SP2). All my clients were 7.0.107 and running fine. I upgraded one station to client 7.5.111 as a test.


Of the Win XP clients that had a similar amount of data (300-1000M), here are the performance logs for them (running client 7.0.107):


Performance: 342.3 MB/minute (253.9 copy, 524.8 compare)

Performance: 421.0 MB/minute (343.4 copy, 543.8 compare)

Performance: 283.4 MB/minute (215.6 copy, 413.3 compare)

Performance: 296.8 MB/minute (208.9 copy, 512.4 compare)

Performance: 447.4 MB/minute (341.4 copy, 649.0 compare)

Performance: 286.8 MB/minute (352.0 copy, 242.0 compare)

Performance: 276.5 MB/minute (198.9 copy, 453.1 compare)


Compare that to this client now running 7.5.111:


Performance: 23.9 MB/minute (12.3 copy, 404.0 compare)


And here are the last three logs for that same client when it was running 7.0.107:


Performance: 267.3 MB/minute (216.2 copy, 350.1 compare)

Performance: 274.8 MB/minute (222.8 copy, 358.5 compare)

Performance: 271.6 MB/minute (220.7 copy, 353.1 compare)


The hit is almost entirely in the copy portion of the backup; the read/compare works just fine.


One more note: we have a single Retrospect Professional 7.5.251 station (Win XP Pro SP2) that had been running 7.0.326, and I just upgraded that. This station also backs up another Win XP Pro SP2 station with about 400M data, and that client had been running 7.0.107. I upgraded it to 7.5.111 and it's running fine. Here's both a before and after log for that client:



Performance: 573.4 MB/minute (389.7 copy, 1084.4 compare)



Performance: 586.9 MB/minute (374.2 copy, 1359.2 compare)


It seems the problem only occurs with the 7.5.111 client if you're backing up remotely to a Mac insead of a Windows station.

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Well, since nobody answered...


I installed 7.5.116 on a PC that had it's backup speed cut by 90% with the original 7.5 client.


Speeds with 7.5.116 were comparable to the 7.0 client.


Still -- it'd be nice to get some official work from this if EMC/Dantz thinks the problem is resolved with this version of the client before we push it out...

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Yes this build should fix the speed issues when backing up from a Mac backup server. Keep in mind that from the Mac end, there's no benefit with going to the 7.5 client, but now there shouldn't be any decrease in performance either.

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