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running out of room

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I am currently backing up to a 35/90 data tape cartridge and am quickly running out of room. I've been looking for another tape system that's over the 35 gigs and can't seem to find one. If possible, I want to keep to a tape so that it can be moved off the property and stored. Is there such a system? If not what are others using for back-ups?



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It's a bit hard to make suggestions without knowing your configuration (OS version, available interfaces, etc.). In addition to the suggestions made above by Lennart, we are using an Exabyte VXA-2 1x10 1u PacketLoader Plus (SCSI Interface with ethernet admin interface), which is a VXA-2 tape drive with a 10 slot carousel autoloader. Load it up and let it do its thing unattended. The reason we chose the SCSI interface (rather than the FireWire interface on the Exabyte product that comes up in Lennart's search above) is that (1) we already had a dual-channel SCSI card in our Xserve to support reading of our old archive Retrospect DDS-2 DAT tapes on our now-retired DAT drive (you might still need to read your older tapes in the older format), (2) some people were having FireWire problems with Mac OS 10.4.x (and some still are), and (3) only the SCSI version of the Exabyte drive comes with an ethernet web page admin interface that lets you remotely monitor what is going on with the drive and autoloader while backups are in progress - can be invaluable for troubleshooting. Also, last fall, Exabyte released a VXA-320 drive (reads and writes VXA-2 and VXA-3 tapes), and its VXA-3 tapes, while the same physical tape cartridges as used in VXA-2, have twice the capacity (320 GB compressed VXA-3 vs. 160 GB compressed for VXA-2; FYI we are seeing about 118 GB compressed per tape using Retrospect on our VXA-2 tapes at about $70 each). Exabyte also has standalone VXA-2 and VXA-3 tape drives, and also higher end drives and libraries that have huge capacity. See their web site: http://www.exabyte.com/ . The initial firmware glitches seem to have been shaken out with the VXA-3 stuff, and the difference in price between the VXA-2 and VXA-3 will soon be recovered by one autoloder fill of the doubled capacity on ten $70 tapes (actually, you will probably fill the autoloader with 9 tapes and one cleaning cartridge for automated cleaning). Hope this helps. Russ

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