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Setting security in preferences

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Can anyone advise how I can stop 6.1 for Mac requesting authorisation on start up? I have unchecked the box shown at log in and also tried unchecking the security box in Preferences. Every time I start up I get back to the authoriation dialogue and find that the preferences box has been reset to require authorisation at log in.

Look forward to hearing any suggestions,

Regards, Robert

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hi robert,


i've only seen this issue when opening up an older version of Retrospect and then going back to the new version. if that's what you are doing, you should get rid of the 6.0 version to avoid this problem.


if that's not what is happening, get rid of the 6.0 Retrospect anyway (/Applications/Retrospect 6.0) and run a repair permissions. between those i bet you take care of it.

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