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Issue when running 19.2 with Sonoma V14.4

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Last weekend I set up a new computer running macOS V14.4 and used Migration Assistant to move my applications from the old machine (running macOS V12.7.4 and Retrospect V19.2).  I went to make a new backup set using a new external hard drive.  When I went to make the initial backup I got an error about Retrospect not having access to the new hard drive.  Both my user account and Administrator have R/W access to the drive.  I thought it would be a simple matter to set up this script (select Source, Media Set and execute) but something just isn't right.

At this point I'd prefer to just completely uninstall Retrospect and re-install from scratch.  But, I can't find a mechanism to do that from any of the installers that I've saved.  I found an option in the Preferences/Console tab to export the client/server installers and the Uninstall Retrospect app.  Does this uninstaller remove all traces of Retrospect (which is my goal)?

Thanks in advance,


P.S. Alternatively, if anyone knows why my external drive is considered off limits to Retrospect and how to fix that, that would be very helpful.

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  • 2 months later...

Reinstalling Retrospect (RS) probably won't fix it.

I think this may be because the new drive not listed in your Source window - it's a bit counter-intuitive, but that's how RS works. Once you've listed it there, you can tell your Media Set to locate it's backup folder to the new drive. That should do it. Hope that makes sense!

If not let us know.

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