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sidebar reports missing

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After installing Retrospect on another mac to use as console to connect to server, I noticed that server install does not have Smart report folders in sidebar.

Tried re-installing, but still no folders: "Recent activities, 24hr schedule, No Backup in 7 days, Never Backed up, Errors and Warnings, Active Scripts, Inactive Scripts"

Any idea if there is a folder I can drag over, or how to get this smart report folders back ?

Mac Retrospect v 15.6.0 (125)


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IMHO you have a Retrospect Mac 15.6 variant of what Lindsay Robertson reported for Retrospect Mac 15.0 on 2 May.  Here is my post with a general explanation for what's going on.  Note that the OP in that thread says Lindsay Robertson was seeing in 15.0 almost the exact opposite of what you are seeing with 15.6.  My guess is that the Retrospect Inc. engineers corrected that Console bug, but created yours instead.  The final post in that thread said "Werner also said that the developers are working on difficulties related to the glorious new Dashboard."

I assume that you have clicked the Reports Disclosure Triangle, which is described on page 18 of the (English) Retrospect Mac 15 User's Guide.

Here is why and how to file a Support Case.  I urge you to file it immediately; the engineers are already overdue in releasing Retrospect Mac and Windows 15.7.  Based on various bugs that have been reported on the Retrospect Windows forums, my guess is that 15.5 and 15.6 were "bad releases" that didn't receive sufficient testing—and that the engineers are running behind schedule for the 15.x series of releases.

P.S.: The second paragraph turns out to probably be irrelevant, resulting in my having looked at pages 18-19 of the Retrospect Mac 15 User's Guide instead of looking at my own Dashboard.  So long as you confine yourself to the pre-defined ones, each Report appears directly on the sidebar—as shown in the screenshot on page 26—with no Disclosure Triangle.  Whoever at Retrospect Inc. supplied the screenshot on page 18 evidently took it of a Console that had at least one Custom Report, which apparently—I've never defined a Custom Report—puts all the Reports inside a folder on the sidebar.

Edited by DavidHertzberg
Added P.S. saying the second paragraph is probably irrelevant
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