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Can't disable Fast Catalog Rebuild

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Hi all,

I have a corrupted catalog that I've managed to recover 5 tapes short of complete. When I try and repair the set from the last tape I end up with a catalog that can't be searched. I surmise that the catalog on the tapes used by the Fast Catalog rebuild must be corrupt. I thought I could perhaps read the tapes and create a fresh catalog - but every time I try and disable Fast Catalog rebuild it turns itself back on. Has anyone else seen this behaviour?


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What version of Retrospect Mac are you using?  If it's later than Retrospect Mac 12, Fast Catalog Rebuild has been removed—see the first paragraph of this post (and mentally substitute Retrospect Mac 13 whenever you read Retrospect Windows 11 and Retrospect Mac 14 whenever you read Retrospect Windows 12). 

If you're still using Retrospect Mac 12 or earlier, you might be able to get out of the problem by upgrading—although you can't run recent versions of Retrospect Mac on a PowerPC Mac (which you may be using if you're talking about tapes).  If you can upgrade and still mount a compatible tape drive, I would suggest deleting the Media Set and its catalog, creating a new one with the same name, and adding the tapes as members.  Actually even if you can't upgrade, I would suggest doing the same thing.

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We're on Retrospect 15.1 - but there still seems to be a check-box for fast catalog rebuild. I guess it doesn't do anything?

Sounds like I won't be able to read the data on my 5 tapes then. Whenever I try and add them to my working catalog as a repair I end up with a catalog that can't be searched. I thought that the corruption was from the fast catalog rebuild I guess it must be something else instead.

I'll try your suggestion, but I fear I will just end up with another unsearchable catalog.


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If you're on Retrospect 15.1, you may still be entitled to free personalized Retrospect Technical Support.  Here is why and how to file a Support Case.  If you are in the U.S. or Canada, I would also suggest making a phone call to R.T.S. at (888) 376-1078 or (925) 476-1030 between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Pacific Time.  If you are in Europe (I can't tell; please update your Profile with at least your country of location), from what I've seen on these Forums it sounds as if the phone support there is not very knowledgeable.

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From the top of my memory, so it may not be correct (I'm currently away on vacation so I can't check):

Retrospect asks you to insert the last tape. Then you insert the first.

After that tape, Retrospect asks you if there are any more tape. Respond yes and insert the second tape.

After that tape, Retrospect asks you if there are any more tape. Respond yes and insert the third tape.

After that tape, Retrospect asks you if there are any more tape. Respond yes and insert the fourth tape.

After that tape, Retrospect asks you if there are any more tape. Respond yes and insert the fifth tape.

If that doesn't help, try again and this time do NOT to insert the fifth tape. That way you should be able to read the first four tapes, at least.

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  • 2 months later...

According to the head of Retrospect Tech Support, the first paragraph of my first post in this thread is incorrect--even though I based it on what was in the User's Guides.  "Fast Catalog Rebuild is turned on by default with all Disk Backup Sets.  We don't have an option to turn it off/on because it is always enabled. Fast catalog rebuild was not removed from the product."

If Retrospect Inc. made a misstatement in the Retrospect v11 for Windows and Retrospect v13 for Mac User's Guides' "What's New" chapter, IMHO they should have explicitly corrected it in a later edition.

Edited by DavidHertzberg
In first sentence of first paragraph, correctly specified which of my previous posts is incorrect
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