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Media set miscount

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Hi all,

I have a medis set with 3 named members, yet if I click on the media set it says it only has 2 members.


Also if I click on each member in the library or when it's in the drive the first 2 )1-miscPROJS, and the second 2-miscPROJS) have the 'media set' member attribute and the third (named by retrospect and added as a member at some point) does not. Next to attributes in the bottom pane, it's just blank.


Is there anyway to fix this short of a 3 LTO Cart rebuild, which will no doubt take forever !



Will that even do it?


Is there anyway for me to see the catalog and see what's on that drive? In between making that 3rd drive and today I haver rebuilt a new system drive, and imported the catalog files one by one, but there isn't a log that can tell me anything about it that I know of.




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Is there anyway for me to see the catalog and see what's on that drive?

Do you mean tape member? (You mentioned LTO.)


Retrospect has never, going back to the very beginning, ever had a method to associate a particular backed up file with the storage set/backup set/media set member that the file is actually stored on. However, if you know the date and time that the media set member was first written to, and you search for a file whose backup occurred after that time, you can know that the file was written to that member (or a later member).


If you try performing a backup to this media set, does Retrospect begin writing to the correct member? If so, that would tell you that the catalog and the engine both have the correct information, and the console is simply not displaying it correctly. If instead Retrospect asks for a new member, that would show trouble with the catalog.


If the catalog is damaged, you may be able to repair the catalog using only the last tape member.

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