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Can't seem to figure out what I've done but after a recent upgrade from 8.1 to 8.2.399, I now get an error when I get into Retrospect where I'm being told 'Please update the console and server to the latest editions' but as far as I can tell, I have! Obviously something didn't get updated correctly but it's not letting the console connect to the server and I can't seem to find the issue.

Thank you

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"Please update the console and server to the latest editions"


Key word there is "and."


The Console application will update itself, but it can't update the Engine. That's why it displays a dialog box with a clickable URL (in red text!) directing you to download the updater for the Engine. You take that to the Mac hosting the Engine (might be the same as the Mac running the console, might not be) and run it to complete the process.


It's a poorly thought out update scheme, but since there have been no updates in since forever it hasn't been showing up as a problem for many users lately.




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Thanks Dave. Gave me enough of a pointer as to the issue. Didn't quite let me fix it that simply but using their uninstall got rid of it as I must have only installed the new console and not the new engine (had done a trial on this machine a while back) and was obviously out of sync. I seem to have everything back up and running now. Thank you!


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