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Very Strange Error Message Recovering From File Media Set

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I've been using two 1TB USB drives to backup my MacBook Pro 4,1 laptop. REtro v.399. Drives direct-connected. Drive A stays at home a week, Drive B gets used once or twice a week at work, then sneakernet reverses this with Drive A at work, B at home. Just to learn how things work, Disk B is a File Media Set (Disk A is a Disk Media Set). I had to restore my /~/Library/Mail folder from my Disk B's File Media Set. Now, this media set said after verification that execution was successful, although the issue of the log saying that there were a few files yet to verify appeared most every backup. In short, no warning from Retrospect while backing up that there might be problems restoring.


I had the restore assistant restore the /~/Library/Mail folder to a folder named Mail restore target ƒ which was sitting on my desktop.


But what odd errors! See below. What seems odd to me is that the File Media Set seems to restore every backup session as an append to the same, single, large file. It does not appear to be a package file. So why so many file headers are bad if it's only one file? I have only performed a half dozen backup sessions to this File Media Set, yet the error log below shows a great multiple more header errors than there are backup sessions.


I tried it once again, and the same set of errors.


Now, on just doing a look-through of the various folders within the Mail folder, everything seems to look fine, but that doesn't mean that every file might be just a bunch of hash. I could try running Mail with this folder, but I worry that if there is corruption it the backup, it might send corrupted data to my IMAP server.


Any word if these are malignant or benign error warnings.?


Thank you.




Drive Executing Restore Assistant - 2011/04/10 5:42 PM at 2011/04/10

To volume Mail restore target ƒ...

- 2011/04/10 5:56:32 PM: Restoring from B-FM Set, Snapshot /Volumes/Sammy, 2011/03/27 7:43:34 PM

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at df39edd8)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 25744332)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 46c8ac14)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 6be89255)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 49f51d2c)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at c3c0305c)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 37433baa)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at c7960d81)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 9059e393)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 415025da)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 2b483932)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at b90888d9)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 9407a235)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at b6382b1)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 4e15ca5c)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at f899e80)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 89ae91b8)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at e5206d41)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at e102c175)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at a09d0144)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 70bc2b0b)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at bb97f62)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at ba6a9e77)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at b85950a8)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 4b7d6f4c)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 52cff64d)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at ab50f8ae)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 4155147c)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 44a87d37)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at be7f7ab3)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 634c1f38)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 550e8516)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at f3513154)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 248455f1)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 8c798e33)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 94cbb7d8)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at be7f7ab3)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at b9bb9588)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 6412f865)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 7742241e)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at e282d35a)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 79fb919d)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 27df44d0)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 3d59c9d4)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 7f488023)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at d2691cdc)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 94c7216f)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 8f84bbc0)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 79fb919d)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 6fcb4603)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 16dfdc68)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 67852a77)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 67bf5cea)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at f239cebd)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 8f84bbc0)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 66912ba0)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 3069cda5)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 16dfdc68)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 90dab657)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at e5206d41)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 5108da4d)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 133ed427)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 6b047c26)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at fc2e6724)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at fee89304)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 5e07a628)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at f3513154)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at a69b89f1)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 89661453)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 3661f49a)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 6081bdd0)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at f612006)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 568b3abf)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at d35cff9d)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at d348ba55)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at b47bd31e)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 81004f85)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at ad3ba588)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 44a87d37)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 2d3cfcd0)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 9ed2c0aa)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 833843db)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at b2044d30)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 962c5544)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at c9eabf47)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 7e7dcaff)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at f9560172)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at b14f84b4)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at eaa62514)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at a69e1ea6)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 673c3bdd)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 980b1cf5)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 932e02dc)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at e4430aa0)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 8d4c4a3c)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 7f20d311)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at e943026b)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 507fbac7)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at f7817cd7)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at f4c9b9b4)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 833843db)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 7f79d6c0)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at efa9a740)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at e6bcbdfe)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 74429792)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 3dd1ed9a)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 86e4bad6)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at a27de8fb)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 11e74940)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 46c8ac14)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 6b047c26)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 979075a6)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 7f0aa3a2)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at fee89304)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 3acf55e8)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 427f10e4)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 706e552c)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at a4ae0546)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 21801fb4)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 14ccb6a6)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at f68480e)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 2d7a69ca)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 67bf5cea)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 37582585)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 20ace0a0)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 77208c97)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 1b178164)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 2c059d5a)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 67956f97)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 8c4f7f66)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at b6f03ce4)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at b75628e4)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 54d61795)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 77208c97)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at d4949485)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 43c62bb7)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 4525c8d7)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 38088a91)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 7e7dcaff)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at f14e49dd)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 20ace0a0)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at ebef026a)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 70bc2b0b)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 301f67be)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 9dd47b04)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at d2a2e9cc)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 67852a77)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at dd823eac)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at a5e7f59d)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 8decc539)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 85027f60)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at c8f094cc)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at d59ac64c)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 6b42b6ae)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 11d12ed0)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 573bacd6)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at fe2bd928)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 8d4c4a3c)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at d35cff9d)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 706e552c)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at c00763f9)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at 7f79d6c0)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at be897e7d)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at ec40ce4f)

> !Bad Media Set header found (0xx at a4bae233)

2011/04/10 6:06:31 PM: 165 execution errors

Remaining: 165 files, 5.5 MB

Completed: 77986 files, 4.7 GB

Performance: 522.5 MB/minute

Duration: 00:09:58 (00:00:49 idle/loading/preparing)

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I agree that there may be less justification for a File Media Set. I just wanted to try one backup drive with one type of media set, and another drive with another type of media set, to see what it was like.


One potential reason for using a File Media Set would be that I want to limit my use of media sets to 1TB each, to fit in 1TB, so I just don't keep adding and adding disks onto the media set. A File Media Set would start grooming when the 1TB disk was getting full.


Am "repairing" the catalog now. Will see what happens and report back.

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One potential reason for using a File Media Set would be that I want to limit my use of media sets to 1TB each, to fit in 1TB, so I just don't keep adding and adding disks onto the media set.

You can set the max size of a disk media set to anything you like (up to the size of the volume you use).

Adding new members (volumes) is a manual process, which you can cancel.

You can "groom" disk media sets, so the oldest backups are groomed out, to make more space.

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You can set the max size of a disk media set to anything you like (up to the size of the volume you use).

Adding new members (volumes) is a manual process, which you can cancel.

You can "groom" disk media sets, so the oldest backups are groomed out, to make more space.

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