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Scanning incomplete error 1127


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Getting an error using Retropect Express for Windows XP with a Maxtor Ext drive. Anyone seen this before? It has stopped backing up for some reason. I have tried shutting down Maxtor and PC, then rebooting both, and letting the next back up run at its scheduled time and it still does it. Any tips? TIA John



Normal backup using DirectBackup at 8/22/2006 1:00 AM

To Backup Set RestorePoint...

*Resolved container My Computer container to 3 volumes:

Local Disk (C:)

Local Disk (F:)

Local Disk (G:)

-8/22/2006 1:00:00 AM: Copying Local Disk (C:)

Scanning incomplete, error -1127 (data error detected in file using cyclic redundancy check)


-8/22/2006 1:01:30 AM: Copying Local Disk (F:)

8/22/2006 1:01:30 AM: No files need to be copied

8/22/2006 1:03:06 AM: Snapshot stored, 14.0 MB

8/22/2006 1:03:10 AM: Comparing Local Disk (F:)

8/22/2006 1:03:12 AM: Execution completed successfully


Duration: 00:01:41 (00:01:37 idle/loading/preparing)

-8/22/2006 1:03:12 AM: Copying Local Disk (G:)

8/22/2006 1:03:12 AM: No files need to be copied

8/22/2006 1:03:45 AM: Snapshot stored, 18 KB

8/22/2006 1:03:47 AM: Comparing Local Disk (G:)

8/22/2006 1:03:48 AM: Execution completed successfully

Duration: 00:00:35 (00:00:34 idle/loading/preparing)

8/22/2006 1:03:59 AM: Execution incomplete

Total duration: 00:03:47 (00:03:42 idle/loading/preparing)


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hi fix,


CRC errors usually indicate a problem with the filesystem. run disk utilities and defrag--see if that doesn't take care of the problem.



A cyclic redundancy check (CRC) is a type of hash function used to produce a checksum – a small, fixed number of bits – against a block of data, such as a packet of network traffic or a block of a computer file. The checksum is used to detect errors after transmission or storage. A CRC is computed and appended before transmission or storage, and verified afterwards by recipient to confirm that no changes occurred on transit. CRCs are popular because they are simple to implement in binary hardware, are easy to analyze mathematically, and are particularly good at detecting common errors caused by noise in transmission channels.





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As Ed McMahon used to say: "you are correct!"


The drive just failed and spattered its data everywhere. The external Maxtor One Touch running Retrospect saved the day. I just recovered 9 GB of data from it to the new hard drive. Thanks for the prompt reply!

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  • 6 months later...

I have a Maxtor One Touch II, run Windows XP. After at least a year of problem-free use I was stricken to receive error-1127 when I tried to back up the HD last night. I tried all of the obvious reboot, repower type fixes. I couldn't find any help on the Maxtor (seagate) website, no mention of this error code. I googled "Maxtor error-1127" and got this forum, followed the suggestion and proceeded to run CHKDSK and, after 3 rounds of CHKDSK . . . eureka! No more problem with the backup. Thanks for the assist!

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