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E-mail notification in Retro 6.5


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I am wondering if there is anyway I can get some sort of backup success/failure e-mail notification either from the clients or from the server. I would prefer some sort of e-mailed report from the server that would state X or Y client did not get backup (any kind of e-mailed report/notification would be welcomed). Recently one of our clients was not getting backed up for several days and I did not look into the reports and now after a hardware failure I dont have the latest data. I would really appreciate any kind of suggestion and your inputs. Thank you.



I have Windows network, Server is 2003 and Clients are XPs

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Hello again,

I have setup e-mail notification but the system is not sending me any kinds of e-mails. I have entered all the necessary account information and my outgoing smtp server information. I wonder if there is some kind error log somewhere that would tell me why I am not getting any e-mail notifications. Once again I appreciate the help.

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hi rhs,


are you getting an error in your current log? you may want to play around with the settings. i've seen problems before where something simple was just mistyped, or SMTP authentication was set when not needed (or vice versa). i don't think 6.5 has very good logging for this type of thing. one other thing you could try is setting up an email program on that machine and trying to send a 'test' message out with the same settings.


if you are familiar w/ VBScript, you could try something like:



Dim iMsg

Dim iConf

Dim Flds

Const cdoSendUsingPort = 2

Const strSmartHost = "SMTP.server.goes.here"


'Create the message object.

Set iMsg = CreateObject("CDO.Message")


'Create the configuration object.

Set iConf = iMsg.Configuration


'Set the fields of the configuration object to send by using SMTP through port 25.

With iConf.Fields

.item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = cdoSendUsingPort

.item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = strSmartHost


End With


'Set the To, From, Subject, and Body properties of the message.

With iMsg

.To = "email.address@to.be.sent"

.From = "email.address@from.be.sent"

.Subject = "Test message by using CDOEx and cdoSendUsingPort, sent on: " & now()

.TextBody = "This is a test by using CDOEx"


End With

set iMsg = Nothing


but the above code would not work if you are using SMTP authentication.

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Hi Walter,

I have set SMTP authentication to login, I think thats what our mail servers requires. I have a very simplistic question; do I need to run some kind of mail client on the Retro server? Currently there is no mail client running on the server. Also I did not see any logs that refer to e-mail notification errors., I only see operation log and it does not tell much about notification, it only tells at the end "Location of backup report is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Retrospect\Backup Report.utx. "


Perhaps I am not looking at the right place. I am not fimiliar with vb scripts, so I am not sure what I can do with the script, should I customize it and run it with vb extension? Thank you for your help



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hi rhs,



I have set SMTP authentication to login, I think thats what our mail servers requires.



this is no small detail. you need to be sure about this. have you tried sending without SMTP AUTH?



I have a very simplistic question; do I need to run some kind of mail client on the Retro server?



no. it's only necessary if you want to test the settings. you could test the same settings from another computer if you wish.


one thing you could check is your SMTP logs on your mail server. are there errors in there? it doesn't sound to me like anything is being sent at all, so check your settings closely.



I am not fimiliar with vb scripts



don't worry about that. i was just throwing it out as another tool. it's not really that important.

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E-mail notification is working. Previously I was entering exactly what our mail client's setting were entered. But for some reasons those settings were rejected by the mail server. I did not have to enter login name and password, also there was no need to enter port number as it is required in the e-mail client software. Thanks for all your help and support.

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