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Retrospect conf. files location


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I ran into a situation where I came in one morning and not only had Retrospect died the night before, but all references to clients were gone, all scripts were gone and all catalogs were gone. In fact, I had to re-enter the serial number and start from scratch. All the catalogues and backup files are still on the drive, but Retrospect knows nothing about them.


There must be a configuration file somewhere that records all that. Does anybody know where to find that file (or files) and would it be possible to restore that file and get back all the previous configuration. I would be backing up that file if I could.


Thanks for any help.

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Hi Rudy,


You are absolutely right. Your config file got scrapped.


On OSX you can find it in


Retro.Config (6.0)


On Windows the location is

C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Application Data/Retrospect

config75.dat, config75.bak


With the Windows version it is possible to occasionally catch the system at a point where the corrupt dat file has not been exported to the bak file yet and restore by renaming bak to dat, but that is fairly uncommon and you're better off just making a copy in a safe location.

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