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Retro 7.0 & DLT

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You can try going to Configure>Preferences, under Media Handling and check Use ASPI to communicate with devices. You'll have to relaunch Retrospect for this to take effect. You can also try disabling the device in Device Manager.

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Well we have around 40 DLT tapes that have old jobs on that need to be retrieved every so often. But we now only back up to USB externals. So were not backing up to tape anymore just pulling, but we also pull from the USBs as well.


hope it makes sense, if you need anymore info let me know.



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I am able to do a immediate back up and it is working to the USB hard drives. Not really sure how. Don't know the difference between ASPI and NT passthrough.


If I wanted to copy the entire data off of one DLT and have Retro pull from that instead what would be the best way? What I would really like is to never use the DLT drive again.

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If you want to transfer Backup Set data from your DLT tapes and put them on Disk Backups on your USB external hard drive, you can do a "Transfer" within Retrospect.

Go to Tools > Transfer Backup Set > Choose your DLT Tape Backup as the source > Choose a Disk Backup Set that you've created on your external hd as the destination, and all of the data on your tape will be copied to the Disk Backup Set on your external hd.

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