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Upgrade configuration from 6.0 to 7.5


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I have upgraded from 6.0 to 7.5. As stated in the documentation, the 7.5 installer cannot upgrade the 6.0 configuration; it uninstalls 6.0 before installing 7.5. This note describes how to upgrade your 6.0 configuration.


This technique is completely unofficial, but it worked for me.


The 7.5 installer retains the configuration from 6.5 onwards, so I first upgraded to 6.5 and then to 7.5. I downloaded 6.5 from ftp.dantz.com/pub/en/ud/retrospect65.exe.


After installing 6.5, I was prompted for the licence code. Since I didn't have one, it immediately exited. However, it had already migrated my 6.0 configuration file. I then installed 7.5, and it converted the 6.5 configuration file to 7.5. I had some complex selectors, and these have survived the upgrade process intact.


I suggest you try this. Since the 7.5 installer discards a 6.0 configuration, you have nothing to lose.

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