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Retrospect Backup not performing correctly.


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We are a small company using Retrospect Backup version 6 which is not performing the way I would like. The program is set up on my 10.3 G4 Quicksilver for various scheduled backups. We have a nightly cd backup of all project data that is stored on a MDD G4 which functions as a simple file server. That backup set works fine. See below:



+ Normal backup using Daily Project Reference Script at 1/18/2006 10:00 PM

To backup set Project Backup (daily)…


- 1/18/2006 10:00:17 PM: Copying *Project Files on madaket…

1/18/2006 10:09:50 PM: Execution completed successfully.

Completed: 55 files, 51.6 MB, with 22% compression

Performance: 19.2 MB/minute

Duration: 00:09:33 (00:06:52 idle/loading/preparing)



We have a weekly backup set which backs up all users home directory info onto cds as well. This is just over a small filesharing network and has worked ok until recently. We mainly use this specific backup set to archive Microsoft User Data. I have spent 3 days trying to figure out why this isn’t working right, with no success. The backup script is defined to backup 6 users’ home directories with basic exclusions such as folders titled private or personal. Verification & data compression in software is ON, saving snapshots for restore, matching source files to catalog, without adding duplicates to the set, compression filter..... The log will say things like:



“- 1/18/2006 3:17:41 PM: Copying scott… 1/18/2006 3:17:41 PM: No files need to be copied. 1/18/2006 3:17:54 PM: Execution completed successfully. Duration: 00:00:13 (00:00:13 idle/loading/preparing)”



and moves on to the next user with the same results. When I ran a Restore to obtain any folders containing the word Microsoft from any user backed up after jan 1 2006, I only get the Library Preference and not the Microsoft User Data folder. This is true for users who closed out of Microsoft programs during backup. I decided to create a new Script and set to connect to all users and backup just the Documents folder without any other rules. All the settings are the same as our backup set for our nightly project backup (which works flawlessly). User Permissions have been checked and repaired as necessary. When this was working, It would backup at least 5MB of data from each user for our “weekly home backup”. Here is a bit of my retrospect log showing ... Yesterday afternoon I ran the Documents Backup script and this in the log:


- 1/18/2006 1:15:49 PM: Copying leena…

1/18/2006 1:15:49 PM: No files need to be copied.

1/18/2006 1:16:01 PM: Execution completed successfully.

Duration: 00:00:12 (00:00:12 idle/loading/preparing)


Any ideas on this? I know Leena had made modifications to her data and created files during the day and there was at least SOME things that should have been backed up. This morning I tried a basic "home" backup of just a single machine on our little network and selected to backup "all files" just to keep it simple not putting in any exclusions/selectors. I got:


- 1/19/2006 8:49:57 AM: Copying leena…

Can't read file “.bash_history”, error -5000 (server: no privileges), path: “leena/.bash_history”.

1/19/2006 8:51:12 AM: Comparing leena…

1/19/2006 8:51:21 AM: 1 execution errors.

Completed: 2 files, 13 KB, with 0% compression

Performance: 0.1 MB/minute (0.1 copy, 0.1 compare)

Duration: 00:01:24 (00:00:52 idle/loading/preparing)


Also just tried another user and placed a word doc on his desktop as a test and it didn’t backup.


- 1/19/2006 9:24:23 AM: Copying scott…

1/19/2006 9:24:33 AM: Comparing scott…

1/19/2006 9:24:37 AM: Execution completed successfully.

Completed: 1 files, zero KB, with 0% compression

Performance: 0.0 MB/minute

Duration: 00:00:14 (00:00:07 idle/loading/preparing)

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